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Last night at about 10:30pm I got booked (long time coming you say)

Just on Gininderra Drive near dunlop.

Coming through a round about onto Gininderra he was coming opt direction, heading into the round about or about 10m before.

Any way they reackon they got me at 101 KPH how the f**k could i be at 101 just after a small round about, and they got me coming from the other direction, them at 54 KPH

Should I just pay it $208 and 3 points or folk out money to fight it. I may have been speeding but not 101 KPH Hard to do through that round about unless you take all the lanes up which i didnt.

Oh 80 zone

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Did they get you on radar? Did you ask to look at the speed reading?

I usually suggest against fighting these. The only reason is because (a) you were speeding (not having a dig, we all do it), and if you lose the case the penalty is usually increased and you have to cover the court costs of the prosecuting side. So at the end of the day, if you have any doubts about wether you can win or not, just pay it.

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If they got you on radar your stuffed, unless you can spare the extra cash to hire a physics professor to somehow disprove the radar could work in the area.

Personally I would just pay it, odds are stacked against you and its not worth the chance of having the penalty increased and paying the prosecutions court costs :D

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ouch! that sucks dude. i agree with amaru. as much as it might piss you off, i think its just easier to to cop it on the chin. (beau, thats not a sexual term! HAHA!)

however, it could also be worth your while writing a letter trying to get out of it. mentioning things like a good driving record...(hhmmmm, i wish!), and the fact the equipment may be faulty, might just get you off, if you word it right and the person who reads it hates his/her job enough to let you off. you might get lucky....

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You can appeal it, just write a letter to the address listed and wait for a response. You dont have anything to loose.

What is your previous driving history like?

I remember getting pinned and I wrote a letter, the response I got back was; Due to my previous driving history we will withdraw the infringement.

Its worth a shot and wont cost much.

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Last night at about 10:30pm I got booked (long time coming you say)

Just on Gininderra Drive near dunlop.

Coming through a round about onto Gininderra he was coming opt direction, heading into the round about or about 10m before.

Any way they reackon they got me at 101 KPH how the f**k could i be at 101 just after a small round about, and they got me coming from the other direction, them at 54 KPH

Should I just pay it $208 and 3 points or folk out money to fight it.  I may have been speeding but not 101 KPH  Hard to do through that round about unless you take all the lanes up which i didnt.

Oh 80 zone

There are a lot of signs and other objects on that roundabout to give false returns and reflections (I have a house in Dunlop). Often just the suggestion of such things and the fact you will drag them into court will get them to lower or drop the penalty altogether. Take a look at www.roadsense.com.au at the herald sun article 5 Aug for some radar camera examples and also go to the roadleagaloz forum from there for other advice.

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dude bad luck man!

i'd say if you genuinely believe you weren't doing 101kmh, ask for all the evidence and appeal it (in court if needs be). ask for the print-out from the radar and radar calibration history. its this last point that will most likely get you off. you can simply claim that the radar was out of whack in court (if the calibration tables were too old) and that will make the evidence null and void.

i was speaking to a driving infringement lawyer a few weeks ago about this very subject and she reckoned that she'd got plenty of people off this way. it might pay to make a phonecall or two to see if your case will stand up.

otherwise, its only $208 (or a big night out) and if you can spare the points, do it. will save you a lot of headache...


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most speedo's are within 5% by adr specifications, but very few are actually that close...

i was in my mate's e32 750i the other day and what read like 240-250 felt more like 200ish.

and, OT, that things a bit of a darkhorse! goes from 100-200 quicker than it goes from 0-100!! hehe aaah 12cylinders.

one day when i'm filthy rich, i'm gonna have someone make me a rb52qetttt hehehehe

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Hmmmm..... did he get you on Radar or Laser? Radar used to be accurate to around 20 kph. With laser, don't even try it... +/- a couple of K, and a range of up to 1Km, and at least 500m.

Any just because you were going through the roundabout, doesn't mean he didn't get you before the roundabout.

I really hate the new cars with the clear lights. Too farkin hard to pick!

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