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Originally posted by Nizmo

and he's 25 not a year younger than me like Scotts mate hmmmm i could imagine when im old and married my grand children going to me "so nanna how did u meet grandpa?" "i dont know sonny i was too shitfaced to remember"

bring him to albany we'll turn him to the skyline side

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Originally posted by skyzerr33

niz what intrigues me is that u went and had drinks with him after not remembering who he was or where u met him

Troy but i thought i knew who he was - i thought he was Scott (who has been a very good friend to me) i thought it was his mate - in fact i was certain it was his mate cos thats the only guy i thought could possibly have my number at the end of the night. Scott hates my ex andrew and ever since he got his way and Andrew and I broke up he doesnt trust my judgement in guys - so Scott often takes it upon himself to try n set me up with his mates. So i was more than safe having a drink with one of Scotts mates.

But Billy has nothing to do with Scott - Fked if i know where on Sat night i met him but i cant say im complaining the boy is like too good to be true and just appeared outta nowhere!! :D :D :) Im currently sent an email to my mate Mel to see if she can piece together the night a bit more for me.

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hey Cam - haha there should be more randoms like him i tell ya :drooling: nah i just cant believe i cant remember it - people like him u remember. Maybe u should try it Cam :D

Anyway otherwise im good - apart from the wheels on my car - they are starting to thud over the smallest bumps now - not bounce - i say i might have to give up Pauls EBC and go the wheels and buy an EBC later down the track :D

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Niz - I didn't read back but I'm guessing he wasn't bad... as for trying it - I'm always out and about drunk - for some reason none of the girls are ever as drunk as me.. :bonk:

Why do you need the ebc? You already have a bleed valve right? I'd say tyres would be higher on the list wouldn't they? Thye kinda make your car move a bit easier.. :D

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mechanics of the car is fine - the wheels at the moment are dodgy - i hope it has nothing do with suspension and just the wheels getting worse.

I have eggs in my tyres Bam which means its liek driving with square tyres - it hasnt got worse for a while but last night driving home from work - its picking up every little bump and its going thud instead of bounce - im going to check tyre pressures as well - tyres look lower than what they should be but nowhere near anything that should cause a prob.

Just eager to put new wheels on Bam - so my car can handle normally again!!

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i think you should do the wheels first - even cheap tyres are better than faulty ones u have on now

cam - yeah tons of it..thinking of getting a Haltech but keeping an eye out for other stuff..i'll see how it goes when I go back to KL on the 26th

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