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  • Nizmo




  • skyzerr33


appetite suppressants :D because i cant survive on willpower alone! and plus i get a real narky bitch when im hungry so these are keeping me human!! :D

yeah latest issue of HPI is on my desk ... but nah covered in papers i really should take down to recycling bin ... a couple of files ... a couple of instructions ... a couple of brochures and just general disorganisation which makes me look convincingly busy!

Ahh carefully orchestrated then. Im the same but i dont look busy. Got newspapers, writing pads with shit drawn all over em bits of my phone and little notes with car partnumbers and addresses on em.

Appetite supressants eh? make em ureself :D

Well depends on what its for dont it. If someone stepped on ure feet in a crowded bar than of course not but if u got stuck behind someone who is doing the speed limit in the right lane then well they have it coming dont they :D

i weighed myself Alex ...... 76kg! phuck ive never been that heavy! and summers coming ...... and auto salon etc so yeah. No Boosty they arent homemade they are the real shizzle .... my mum bought them but she got a gastro thing which these didnt help so she stopped taking them leaving almost a full bottle so ive taken them ..... work quite well too.

haha Boosty yeah i tend to scribble too .......

jeepers niz.....you're about the same height as me, and you weight 2/3 of what I do......and you're about as fat as most stick-figures.....

just be careful girly. those things are VERY addictive. both medically and psychologically.

boostzor - is the auster FF? Ca18det? and does it look sorta like the old boxy corrolas?

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