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R33 Or R34


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All you boys arguing... STOP IT! You all bought your cars for your own reasons and what you believe is true. Add to this your wallet size and personal taste and VOILA you have a SKYLINE.... yes, believe it or not they are all SKYLINES!

On topic though; if the R34 was not a better car then why would they release the "new" model? Think about it... every aspect of the car would have been improved (brakes, suspension, electronics, engine and yep you guessed it... the aestethics).

However saying that; once you start modding the cars who cares? They all end up doing one thing - GO FAST! :(

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ansdwer is easy, 34 man. not only is any power difference going to be so minimal that it isnt worth worying about ( i personally think a 34 would beat a 33 not from preferance but due to fact. and no, i didnt 'hear' it from a mate lol. nissan told me ) but 34's are soo much more pimp than 33's haha they look soo much better and aggressive.

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Gezs ... looks like my mates r juz pulling my legs coz i bought a new car!! Shit ... will confront with them this week. but thanks for the advice guys ur realli helpful ... oh by the way do u guys know where to buy front strut bars for R33? do they realli make a difference in driving and conering?

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hey wats so bad abt R33s? all u have to do is juz polish once a week and ur car would look as good as new !! and i believe a stock standard R33 would Blow a stock R34!!

well the R33 back looks more sexy than the R34!! form my point of view

Im a big fan of the R33's but the R34 is so much more modern.. Its sharper looking and has that R32 feel about it, I dont know who would win in a drag.. R33 turbo dead stock or R34 turbo dead stock..

Id put my money on the R34 personaly.

Adam 2c

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mine wasnt standard  :D

lucky me i did not try to run u or i will look like a dickhead .... but ur ride is really cool especially ur conversion to RB26 .... ;)

i had also call my buddies to tell them abt what i had experienced and they juz laughed those dickheads realli played me out man .... will get them back 1 day .... :D

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