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HiCas is really pain in the ass

Does any one if there is any one know how to properly fix this HiCas system?

My problem is when the weather is really hot my HiCas light will be on and all the sudden I lost my power steering, therefore I had to turn off the car and let it cool for cuple hours then I get my power stearing back.

Dose any one know who can fix the problem? I have try two Nissan specialist but still fail.

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Check your fuses i dunno why the heat would effect it but when you pull your hicas fuse you lose power steering..

Here is a nice little trick;

In the boot there is a HICAS computer it hangs of the rear parcel shelf.

There are 2 sets of wires going into it one larger and one smaller.

Unplug the smaller set of wires leaving the larger set connected.

You have now disabled hicas..

I've had this done to my car for the last 30,000km and seen no side effects, i've even driven on the race track and its been fine.

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i have two computers stacked on top of each other in my boot below the rear parcel tray...which is the hicas one? note i have an R33

they look like this (dodgy representation). is it the larger one on top or the smaller one below?




I think the smaller one is the HICAS computer from the info above, but then what is the larger one? main ecu?

thanks, this has been bugging me for a while :)

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dont just disable it because you cant fix it. Keep at it and you'll get it. run all the tests possible .. keep at it, the same thing happened to me a few months back and i kept at it and now MUHAHHAAH its 100% no specialist could fix it i found out the problem myself and then fixed it myself....and then i went down and stuck it up the arses of those "mechanics/specialists" who told me there was nothing wrong.!!!!! MUAHHAHAH

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In the R32, the HICAS is hydraulic, and uses the same fluid as the P/S. More often than not, the problem is a slight loss of P/S fluid. Which would explain the loss of P/S at the same time as you lose the HICAS.

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I have check my power steering fluid level when the problem occured and it was full with no sign of leaking...

do you think may be it was the seal rubber was lose? I will check that next time when I visit another specialist. :D

I took my to Racing Project to check out but the specialist STILL can't find the problem was... does any one know a place to go for check? Doesn't any specialist have some sort of device that can plug into HiCas to determine what the problem was?

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While on the Hicas issue:

After fitting an HKB boss kit (and Momo wheel) to my R32 GTR, the Hicas light comes on after driving for a while.

Searching previous posts had me take off the wheel and boss shroud to check that the Hicas sensor was clean. I found that the boss kit (part ON-110B) has two lugs that only move the Hicas sensor once you turn past about the 10 o'clock/2'o'clock position. The factory wheel, however, has a locating hole that moves the sensor with even the slightest turn.

The fact that the Hicas light only comes on when driving on the freeway suggests that the sensor doesn't move for a while and the Hicas computer probably registers that the car is moving but no input from steering sensor, therefore an error is returned.


Have I got the right kit? (the Japlish seems to indicate that it is for R32 with Hicas).

Is there a special way to install this kit? (I can't see anywhere that the boss can positively lock onto the sensor sensor).

Appreciate anyone else's experience with this.

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Man... Skyline is a great car but why this HiCas system just pain in the ass. Without it car are hard to drive while stay with it car give you more trouble. GOD if you hear me please tell me what is going on with my HiCas, let me know if you found some thing... @_@

Hopeless guy ===> GT520

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gotcha you summa bitch!

The HKB boss kit has a plastic ring that locks into the lug on the HICAS steering wheel poistioning sensor. Problem is that this ring is only glued onto the alloy boss!

This glue failed and the plastic ring spins on the boss rather than moving the lug. This is fairly hard to diagnose and requires removing the boss and seeing if the ring can spin.

Not what you would expect for an fairly expensive boss kit!

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Bloody hicas.. I get the light on too.. R33 purely stock. It seems to come on after about 15 - 20 minutes of freeway / country town driving (i.e. straight and fast). It doesn't go away until I turn off the car and restart it. There seems to be no degraded performance at all, and my power steering is nice and full.

Anyway, next time the light comes on, I'll pull over and see if the rear wheels steer at all. If they do, I imagine it's just the sensor...

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Hey Gav and Bleach....

Is the Mine's computer in your skyline's a major benefit to the overall performance...

All i read and see is people with the Power Fc so I'm keen to know.,...

You seem to hate the HICAS system, i find no problem and find it a huge benefit to the vehicle.....



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