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Well, I'm about to get my ACT license and I need to convert my old foreign license into it. I'll need to take a knowledge test and there's one thing i'm confused about.

What's the difference between a single and double unbroken line? From where I come from, on double unbroken lines you cannot overtake even if the road has two lanes.


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you cannot cross any unbroken line, either the double one in the centre of the road, or the single one on the edge of the road. You should really get an RTA booklet which outline road rules. Ask the testing centre for one or look on-line.

  Beer Baron said:
you cannot cross any unbroken line, either the double one in the centre of the road, or the single one on the edge of the road. You should really get an RTA booklet which outline road rules. Ask the testing centre for one or look on-line.

In wierd old Canberra theres a few places that have just a single unbroken line.

Anyways after a chat with a friendly police officer, you cannot cross any unbroken line. If its broken, abuse that right hand lane all you want!

no no, i know you're not suppose to cross over a double or single unbroken line. But what i meant was if you have two lanes on your side and two lanes on the other side with a double unbroken line in the middle.

What I want to know is can you pass a car on the left of you from the right lane. When you turn in from Belconnen way into Caswell Drive, at first you have two lanes on your side with a double unbroken lane in the middle. I want to know if there're any specific rules in those cases.

If you're only not suppose to cross double unbroken lines it says in the RTA rules book what's the point of having both double and single unbroken lines? Other than having broken lines on one side and unbroken lines on the other side.

  kksh said:
  What's the difference between a single and double unbroken line?


Umm...one has breaks in it and the other one doesn't....oh yeah, I see now.

As stated, no overtaking or crossing unbroken lines. If you are side by side as in the example you've given then you're on the wrong side of the road but you can have a dual carriageway (two lanes heading the same way) separated from oncoming traffic by an unbroken line as is usually the case with overtaking lanes.

I'd suggest getting onto the relevant website, sometimes they can be funny about little nuances in the wording of thier questions and what they expect you to be able to produce.

From what I thought was the rules and what I was told, you cannot cross any unbroken lines.

e.g if the road looked like this






Then no youre not technically meant to overtake a car in the left lane in the right hand (as they are probably turning different directions not much further down the road anyway). If the road looked like this...


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Then yes you can.

(------ = unbroken line / - - - - = broken line)

How l33t are my ascii drawing skillz~!?

Canberra people have an annoying habbit of sitting in the right lane, meaning you have to overtake them on the left, which is illegal on most double lanes, especially dedicated overtaking lanes. i know NSW have "Keep left unless overtaking" signs posted all over the state, but in the ACT the drivers seem oblivious to the fact they're causing road rage

its not illegal to overtake in the left hand lane if its a posted 60kph area or less..... but still, i hate when anybody sits in the right hand lane. especially if there going under the speed limit.

canberran's can't merge either.

now give me sydney. i love driving up there.....

  Frink said:
its not illegal to overtake in the left hand lane if its a posted 60kph area or less.....

but how many overtaking lanes are their in a <60kph zones maybe 1 in 10 roads if not more... its so dodgy eg 100kph road someone is sitting on right hand lane if you go around them in the left hand lane you can be booked and if you sit behind them and honk or flash your lights you are considered a maniac. god damn retards LEARN TO DRIVE!!!

Thats some interesting information, does anyone know why you cannot over take in the left hand lane?

What happens if you jump into the left lane and you go 'faster' then the other person but not excessivly (as if you were just going the speed limit) and then jumped infront of them? is that illigal? Ive seen this happen many times before, but was never aware it was illigal to do so?


  Amaru said:
How l33t are my ascii drawing skillz~!?

they suck!! I cant understand what the hell you're on about :lol: :D

as for "undertaking"....has anyone ever heard about someone getting booked for this? I have always known it's illegal but I do it quite a bit (Tugg Parkway and Hindmarsh Dr where it's 3 lanes mostly). And not aggressively....only when some dickhead is pottering along and obviously has no intention of moving over, which is quite often :D

  Shell said:
they suck!! I cant understand what the hell you're on about  :lol:  :D

pfft, youre just jealous :(

  Shell said:
as for "undertaking"....has anyone ever heard about someone getting booked for this?  I have always known it's illegal but I do it quite a bit (Tugg Parkway and Hindmarsh Dr where it's 3 lanes mostly).  And not aggressively....only when some dickhead is pottering along and obviously has no intention of moving over, which is quite often  :D

Never seen someone for doing it, but on that note in an 80km/h or above area, its illegal to be in the right hand lane unless you are overtaking... and Canberrans cant seem to grasp this idea. If I was a cop I know id start picking on the people who dont get their ass back in the left hand lane.

  Shell said:
they suck!! I cant understand what the hell you're on about  :lol:  :P

as for "undertaking"....has anyone ever heard about someone getting booked for this?

Yes, two, neither me tho

  Amaru said:
How l33t are my ascii drawing skillz~!?

0MG!!111!!!! s1x0r @$c11 $k!11s!!!!11!!1

i just can't stand people that hog the fast lane i mean right lane!!! i find myself going "wtf get out of my way??!?!!" all the time.... phhth


  djhatton said:
i just can't stand people that hog the fast lane i mean right lane!!! i find myself going "wtf get out of my way??!?!!" all the time.... phhth

they're mesmerised by the sight of an intercooler hose clamp screw filling their entire rear view.

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