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Driving Test


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I'm going to appear for a driving test and can anyone give me tips? I mean what they look for etc. I heard that you're not suppose to look to either side before you come to a complete stop at stop signs.

And that you're suppose to check your rearview mirrors every 10 secs?

Little stuff like that.

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Have you had any lessons at all?

If your goin for the one off test, just ask em before you leave..

they will tell you.

As long as you dont ask them how to drive, you should be right

Be very observative. everytime you pull out from somewhere ie. Turn a corner... then check you rear mirror.. just keep looking, and make it obvious your looking.

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no, haven't taken any test here. I've been driving for over a decade already. Although most of them in 3rd world countries. I guess it should be alright. I just don't want to fail on some minor thing and have to take a driving lesson. Would be so embarassing.

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Dont put your car into neutral when coming to a set of traffic lights, use your handbreak even if your on the SLIGHTEST hill and there is any!! chance of rolling back. (even if you think you can handle it... do it anyway just to be safe)

use push pull method of steering (you might already do this?) mirror check... ment to be every 5 seconds rear view? (check in the learning to drive book, they give you this when you get your L's...)

Basically just drive with care, as you would no speeding etc, stop at stop signs.. all the basics, you should be fine.

If you dont have the learn to drive book, i suggest you go get it... this is what they mark you off.. from memory there is 24 compitencies (sp) and the 23rd compitencie is the actual test.... Give this ago? and get one of your mates to mark it off as if he was your instructor... for things like reverse parking you get two attempts etc.


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don't leave your hand on the gear stick after changing gears...make sure you put it back on the steering wheel asap..

maybe the most important thing is to be confident - but if you've been driving that long i'm sure you'll be ok there.... i just think you have to act like you belong on the road cos if you look petrified and scared of everything you they'll think you're not really ready to be out there on your own :huh:

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I once got shot down for merging "too quickly" (If that makes sense)

As in when passing through a 2 lane merge, don't instantly plant yourself in the middle of the newly formed single lane, but instead just continue to hang off to the side of the lane that you're coming from, just in case there's someone in your blind spot that you might end up crunching into if you put yourself in middle of the merge straight away

(I don't think I've made any sense at all)

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and with automatic transmission, do you put your gear selector in N if you are at at stop for a long period of time? And what's the point if you are to use your handbrake if you are in D? Do you just keep your foot planted on the brake pedal?

And what's the penalty for driving a manual car with an "automatic" license. My car's an automatic and I"ll have to use it to appear for the test.

Thanks for all the tips. They're helping me alot. I would just drive to the middle when I see the "FORM ONE LANE". So you're suppose to just follow you gutter until the lane becomes narrow enough for one only.

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And what's the penalty for driving a manual car with an "automatic" license. My car's an automatic and I"ll have to use it to appear for the test.

as far as i know it changes to a manual after a certain period of time (a year?) anyway...I have no idea of the penalty though.
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I got my manual licence first go, and i've only owned a manual car for a year since i got it (5 years ago). first car was auto and current car is auto. i don't think you'll care if you get an auto licence after a year you can drive whatever

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Cant stress this enough...


this means more than just rolling your eyes to check the mirrors. turn your head slightly toward the mirrors every time you check so the person sitting next to you knows what you are doing.

Good luck!

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I dont know what the deal is down here, but the majority of people I know on the Gold Coast just go for their licences in a driving instructor's car.. thus you kill two birds with one stone: You know the car is going to be reliable and fairly nice to use, and it's a manual.

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In NSW I cannot tell you how many people fail because they fail to stop at the STOP sign when they pull out of the RTA drive way. Automatic fail there! Beware.

Also you'd be surprised how many ppl offer bribes just to get their P's! A friends uncle works for the RTA and it ranges from cash sums to ppl (girls AND guys) offering some "back seat action", it's beyond stupid. Learning to drive isn't THAT hard! I'm sure if you can spread your legs (or in the guys case, bend over) then you can work a steering wheel and 2 pedals.

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