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Telethon Cruise For The Kids - An Initial Expressi

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This was copy from antilag :cheers:

Let me start this by saying nothing is 100% definite here, but something will come of this.

Myself and Jester from Perth-Wrx have been discussing for quite some time now about doing a cruise for Telethon. Obviously this would be a very big events in terms of coverage, money raised and people attending.

The date we are aiming for is Sunday 6th Novemeber. It is highly unlikely that we are going to change that date, and it gives you plenty of time to plan ahead.

The next thing that I need to stress by all means is that this is not a Antilag.com cruise, the only affiliation this cruise would have to us is me, and anyone else who would volunteer to help. This will be for all enthusiasts to give something back to those who so deserve it. We want to see a broad range of cars attending this event, from hotrods to gtr's and everything in between.

Down to business though:

First thing, and this is happening as we speak, is that we are seeking permission to use the Telethon name. Without, the cruise cannot be an official telethon event, nor can we use thier name or logo on any of our promotional stuff. Simple, yet fair. We see no problems in having this approved. Having it approved will also ensure that is covered by more then one format of media, such as tv and magazine.

Obviously due to expected amount of cars to be involved in this , dont expect a typical Antilag.com style of cruise. Think simple, plain, and boring. Now if you for one second think your going to find the desire to do something stupid during the event, forget you read this and go back to your normal daily life. It would not do anyone any good to see someone do something stupid on during this event. Also the police will be involved. They will be there to escort traffic etc.

the initial plan -

Sunday morning will be spend in a large open area in a "show and shine" type setup. Clubs will be able to park all together etc, but done expect to be setting up marques etc, just simple. This will be somewhere open and large, like Langley Park. Hopefully some corporate sponsors will also have a display or two. We will also run a lunch there, obviously with funds raised all going towards the cause. Run raffles etc, be like a mini motorvation with one big supercruise in the middle

After lunch the cars would proceed on the cruise. Like i said nothing crazy, nothing too big, or hard to remember.

We are then thinking of ending it at the plex where all the cars could do a few trips along the strip and any anger can be vented on the burnout pad - all legal and good for car enthusiasts. (not this is about us, its just that we are using a common love for a greater good) After that all the cars could park up and some sort of entertainment provided to close proceeding.

The above is obviously open to change if people can think of a better way to run this event. hence this thread, dont be afraid to post intellegent thoughts to help us on our way.

This is obviously going to take alot of organising.. ALOT

Telethon name or not, we are going to do this. Obviously we would prefer it, but end of the day we are keen to do this and raise some cash for the kids. There isnt a lot more on earth that can draw emotion then seeing what some of these kids go through in their early, and sometimes tragically , short lives. All of us who are blessed enough to have our health and passion for cars should get behind this.

We will need permission and co-operation from a lot of people to get this to work, but im sure we can do this.

Entrants/ particiapants will pay a set fee, to avoid the dramas we had at the tsunami cruise where some people decided donating was above them. This way its fair. For your donation you will recieve something back.. what this is we dont know, it may be as little as a sticker or something else... all depends on what we can sort.

With 3 days notice and 300 cars, we raised 3200 dollars nearly the last time. This time we expect this figure to be alot higher.

We also want expressions of interest of people who want to help out organising, and obviously, on the day itself. We need people who will stand up and be counted, not those who will decide to get pissed the night before and not bother rocking up. If you throw your name in the had, expect to be accountable.

We will bring you more info the second we have it and know it, and obviously as this grows and involves we will let you all know how this going work.

I open the floor up to intellegent thoughts, any off topic stuff certainly does not belong in here.

Thoughs, ideas, etc... go for it, but make it soon, as we need to act, and fast.


P.S can senior members from other clubs please paste this or direct people to this so word spreads as soon as possible , as im not on every forum, im hoping some spreads this to the commodore car club, and even the hot rod associations around perth. cheers in advance. If you do paste it, can you post a link to this discussion here as well.

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Sorry guys. There just isn't enough time to organise this properlly. Whilst I have a start venue and some sponsorship deals confirmed, its too much work for one person to do and at the moment its just going to be a half assed bbq and cruise and quite frankly thats not good enough in my books.

With it being so close most decent sized areas in Perth are already booked or want mega cash for hire, its just something i can't afford.

I will post back here when the Cruise for a kids website is running with a forum so we can take all discussion there, and i will set a firm date once i have confirmation from every supplier / venue and approval etc for everything is set in stone.

I'm hoping to have the Cruise For The Kids in early December.

sorry for those that have offered to donate their time etc. I'm sure you all understand how much organising can go into something like this.



this is also from antilag

Edited by chrisroi

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