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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

Let me know when you are going down and I'll see if I can meet you there to see how your car goes

Yeah ok mate it'll prolly be this coming week after Australia Day, and prolly towards the end of the week :D

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Please dont worry about price too much. I think the most important thing is to go to someone who can get results, I found out the hard way (even though this particular tuner had a good rep), that you get what you pay for.

The joy at a low price will soon go away when your car performs like shit, plus there is the added cost that may be associated with a poor tune etc.

I am only saying this after having forked out for a tune - I didn't ask for a cheap price but he quoted me one. I think things were taking a bit longer than he anticipated and ended up cutting the dyno short with the result of a car that didnt idle too well, ran rich low in the range and lean up top so I had poor fuel economy and detonation up high - wasnt nice. Now that I have had a decent tune the car runs like a million bucks, and it doesnt bother me a bit having to pay an additional $350 to get the result.

Listen to guys that have had good results and then go and get the work done. Pay whatever they ask and dont bitch about price 'cause experience and a quality job are bloody priceless.

Just my 0.02


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Hugs and kisses all round.

JiMiH, as Steve discovered, he used to be a Perth boy, there is alot of difference between tuners, and price does not tell a good one from a bad one. If you find a good one that is $20 per hour more, then there are still worth a heap more than paying a dickhead to tune your car. I always stick around while they are doing the tuning, it doesn't take much to work out if they know what they are doing.


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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC


SST is in Radium St in Welshpool, he dose dyno tuning/testing, but also builds race cars etc. Grant Borjornac is next door (Per4manz Tubochargers) and he does Intercoolers/Turbo's etc.

So if you go and see Steve then he will be able to point you to the right people.



You mean point you to the people who he wants to point you to.

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It would be stupid of anyone, including myself, to point people to the wrong people, it will only end up giving you a bad name. I send people to businesses that I have dealt with personally and whom I know will also point them to people who will perform a very good job.


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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

I understand where your coming from, but when the other tuning shops don't know what to do with a car they send it to Barrie, everyone knows he is the best, it's just that you have to deal with all the other crap. He works by himself, and doesn't answer phones etc, so if you want it done in a hurry then your better off elsewhere, if you need something fixed which no-one else can do then he's your man.

Theres more than just barry around who know what to do, its just a matter of dealing with the people you feel are telling you the truth..

My recomendations for what you want, go and see the following

Race torque

tim slako








the 3 avoid's are there because anytime you hear from them the bullshit-o-meter goes straight into redline..

Mod note: Please pm XRW for names of company.

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I have to say XRW,

that just about every tuner I've encountered has some fictional beliefs.

Tim Slako is one you can add to the bottom list. Then again he does do fantastic work 90% of the time, and is worth a visit. Like all the guys you put in the 'Avoid' list.

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Originally posted by Adrian_perth

so whats wrong with SST?

i been told it's quite a good place was actually planing to go there soon until XRW posted?

where is speedworx situated?

adrian :)

I could list a ton of reasons why i feel it should be avoided, but basically, its a matter of who you feel is telling the truth, and who isn't, and what gear there going to be using to do the job on your car, and what gear they recomend you to buy for how much you want to spend..

or if you go in there asking for something you know is a quality product to be told its a hunk of shit and to buy something else..

ive never used any of the workshops listed, aside from speedworks, and another i didn't list maximum motorsport, because i do 99% of the work on my car, myself as there is so few people out there that i personally trust, and if i did have to it would only be race torque or speedworks, yes it costs more, however as with the computer industry, you pay more, you get a better product..

and yes granted nearly everyone will tell a porkie pie, its just a matter of how big, eg a Uni Chip is not a superior product over a motec, as someone once told me when they where putting my car onto a dyno..

he didn't take to kindly to me informing them he mustn't know how to tune a motec after he goes 'nah there shit mate'

speedwork are in ossie park http://www.speedworks.com.au

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Wow you do all the work yourself, then that must make you an expert, we should all listen to you. If you haven't even tired them then I don't think your in much of a position to comment. Besides owning a WRX and TX3 there isn't any need to go to a performance workshop.

*end bitch*

As rev said, all tuners have there own beliefs which they think are true, some may be right others wrong, but you still need to make a decision about who to go with.

I'd suggest you listen to people who have actually been there, and not a backyard expert.

Didn't speedworks build an R34 GTR with a $100K Jun engine that blew up on it's first run at the plex?


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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC


Wow you do all the work yourself, then that must make you an expert, we should all listen to you. If you haven't even tired them then I don't think your in much of a position to comment. Besides owning a WRX and TX3 there isn't any need to go to a performance workshop.

*end bitch*

I don't wish to try them, as ive seen the results of some of there work, and given your reply ill just asume you have absolutely no idea..

i never once claimed to be an expert, however, i certainly know im clued in a lot more than a large portion of general car enthusiast who come to these forums to ask advice, and i don't mind sharing my knowledge with them..

as for my selection of cars, big deal, you chose a gts-t youd think theres no need to modify one of them either would you, horses for courses..

Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

As rev said, all tuners have there own beliefs which they think are true, some may be right others wrong, but you still need to make a decision about who to go with.

I'd suggest you listen to people who have actually been there, and not a backyard expert.  

Didn't speedworks build an R34 GTR with a $100K Jun engine that blew up on it's first run at the plex?


No actually..

The r34 was together for several months and made several trips to the track, infact i drove it one night, and made an 11.2 pass, and then backed it up with an 11.13, that makes it the fastest GT-R in west aus, the fastest skyline, and the fastest 4wd, and inside the top ten in australia(someone correct me if im wrong), a week later it made 590 hp at PAS and took out the dyno comp over all.

the motor DID NOT cost 100 grand, the bottom end stroker kit, can be bought for 17k, RRP, thats crank, pistons and rods, the engine failure it has had is due to poor quality machining, of which is being repaired at no cost to the owner, and the cause being chased up with the machinist who did the work..

id sugest you actually research some more before listening to hear say, which given your comments i would have a guess came from the company your supporting so happily..

No im not an employee at speedworks, however i help out there a lot, im not an expert but i sure as hell know what im on about, so when i give advice, it truthful and hounest comment..

As i said earlier, i tell people to go to workshops based on what people tell me they have experience, what they thought of the service and products they got, and if they feel they got what they wanted, or they got a load of lies and nothing like they expected..

ps, ive been there and done it more times than you could imagine..

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Your sharing of knowledge was to sledge companies that you have never had experience with and promote ones that you know, I do not see that as being helpful to those people with less knowledge than you.

You are cetainly entitled to you opinion but please try and keep it to something you have had knowledge with, not just your feelings.


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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

Your sharing of knowledge was to sledge companies that you have never had experience with and promote ones that you know, I do not see that as being helpful to those people with less knowledge than you.

You are cetainly entitled to you opinion but please try and keep it to something you have had knowledge with, not just your feelings.

As i keep saying, i have seen the results fo work performed by these companies, had friends deal with these companies, or spoken to these companies..

Now, if you can't understand that someone else sharing this information might save someone, money, time or for example a motor, then really you need to sit down and have a think about it, because if i was asking for peoples hounest opinion id want them, not someone bagging out others for sharing that opinion..

its called free speech, its my personal opinion, i have no financial interest in any of the companies i mentioned that he should go see, im not employed by anyone, so this comes from my personal thoughts, experiences, and what ive seen and what people who have been customers have told me..

if i wanted to sledge them i could, but i won't, im just giving my opinion of who i would go see, and who i wouldn't if i was to spend my hard earned on some work

thats not sledging, sledging would be adding names to my story of ECU choice earlier..

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