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Hay all,

My little bro is looking into getting a Toyota Celica GT4. We have driven a few now and they all seem a bit soft in first gear (low boost?). Has anyone had one or had anything to do with them? He is looking at the 90-92 models with the ST185 engine. Any help or information will be appreciated.



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My friend had one and they are not overly quick in stock form. They weigh a far bit cos of all the gadgets like electic seat for the driver and stuff. Also there aren't a huge amount of performace parts for them out there and the one's you can get are fairly expensive.

Still they are a nice car to drvie. 4WD is nice and safe and they are nice and comfortable. If your bro is into them he should get one. Just take your time and don't settle for any old one. Find the one he really wants.

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a friend of mine has one, the same model your referring to, only his is the group A edition, which is rare.

they weigh over 1500kg, cause of the 4wd gear. they are not quick at all. (thats my opinion, anyway...) his car was close to standard and i could beat him convincingly in my stock mx-6! they are expensive to modify, cause they aren't a common car and i reckon they look like a frog with wheels!!!

this is just my opinion/experiences. if your bro really wants one, then tell him to buy one, cause it'll make him happy. if he just wants a fast car, then i recommend he look else where....

my 2 cents......

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I also know the fellow that Frink is talking about

It's a decent car, nice seats & interior, tough stance from certain angles

It's a Toyota so it's not likely to break in a hurry

I've driven it several times, it's certainly not quick. My R31 before it's engine conversion was line ball with it acceleration wise.

Off boost you might as well wedge a brick onto the accelerator and go off and have a coffee, by the time you come back to check on it, it might have some power to use

On boost though they go ok, I think they really are a modifier's vehicle.

With some playing with and a bit of money spent I reckon it could be a fairly nice machine.

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1.) they have a fairly large turbo for the 2L in standard form and so are a little laggy.

2.) the ST185 gearbox and diff combo have too tall ratios in first gear.

if you can, get your hands on the TOUGH ST205 gearbox and rear diff.

people on TOYMODS have found that this has improved their 0-100 by just over 1 second with these mods only.


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I havent driven one myself, but I heard they have the same problems as the Mitsubishi GTO - too much weight with a brittle gearbox. Apparently the last of the line GT4s were the best.

Having said that, they run the 3SGTE right? There's plenty of potential from that engine. There are 3SGTE powered MR2s running 9 second passes on street tyres in japan. So I think with some work you could have a seriously good car, but in standard form I think they might be a little lacking. At least the GT4 doesn't look as girly as the stardard Celica!

Good luck with your purchase!

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The gt4's have a turbo pressure system called VSV, and a stock gt4 will have limited boost in first and second gear thats to the turbo VSV. If you by pass this you should be able to hit full boost in first and second.

on a side not, the JDM gt4 imports have the same gear ratio as the st205, so when upgrading your box a JDM will have the same gear ratios, the only advantage is they st205 gear boxes have twin synros, for a longer life.

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The gt4's have a turbo pressure system called VSV, and a stock gt4 will have limited boost in first and second gear thats to the turbo VSV. If you by pass this you should be able to hit full boost in first and second.

on a side not, the JDM gt4 imports have the same gear ratio as the st205, so when upgrading your box a JDM will have the same gear ratios, the only advantage is they st205 gear boxes have twin synros, for a longer life.


how do you by pass this VSV? my little bro just purchased it and we pick it up tomorrow arvo, so he is pritty excited. thanks again for all the helpfull info.



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