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Spending $$$ On Cars ...

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This is a question that always comes into my mind when purchasing new bits and pieces, especially the resale value. I've kept all my stock pieces though so I plan to fit them all back when I sell my car and take with me what I can to my next ride! Is it a hobby or an addiction when you find yourself spending less on 'normal things' (like clothes, CD's.....food) and instead trying to save up for more mods? I'm not overspending my budget or in debt though.

"My cat's breath smells like cat food."

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hehe i think if someone isnt eating to save money for mods, therapy might be a good option :)

This is a question that always comes into my mind when purchasing new bits and pieces, especially the resale value. I've kept all my stock pieces though so I plan to fit them all back when I sell my car and take with me what I can to my next ride! Is it a hobby or an addiction when you find yourself spending less on 'normal things' (like clothes, CD's.....food) and instead trying to save up for more mods? I'm not overspending my budget or in debt though.

"My cat's breath smells like cat food."

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My GTR's my hobby i guess you could say (prob like most of the people on this forum). So thats what i spend my money on. Some people are collectors, some people are sports fanatics and some people are car nuts. Every1 has something that they spend there cash on, and i dont mind blowing my hard earned on my car...why...cause i enjoy it.

But, when you go to sell it (like im ever gunna do that) then it becomes a huge waste of money. You've only gotta look at the fact that you can pour thousands into a GTR (any car in fact) and get diddly squat back when you sell it. Im sure there are a few people out there that could have bought a small/medium house with the cash they've spent modifying their ride.

Just my 2c.

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You might say you have a problem if out of your pay packet you put aside 80% of it and spend the left over 20% on food, rent and going out haha. Well offcourse thats ok if you live at home but when you dont, it can become a problem...I get chicken feed atm (just a tad over 2 K a month) and I was putting aside around 1200-1300 on savings for the car (nissan 200sx s15)... I live pretty much alone, pay a bit of rent (my brother helps me out with the bulk of it) but I also pay all the bills. Its all fine and dandy until you start sacrificing food and other things, :lol: i mean i dont drink and dont smoke so im really proud of that but with food, you cant skip that! So now Im just gonna put away around 1 grand a month still but use all the left over money on food and other things, im getting into cooking again!

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Aahh yes, coo-king. I can do a bit of this, how you say cooking. As long as there's pictures on the side of the packaging. You'd be amazed at how versatile a packet of home brand 2 minute noodles can be! :)

But seriously I'm not as bad as this, my girlfriend wouldn't put up with me if I was! I have a habit of saying "when I have earnt X ammount of money on top of my savings, then I will spend some that ammount on what I wish" (whether that be things like mods, clothes, games etc.) I'm not a Starvin' Marvin'!

But back to the original topic, who here doesn't get a thrill just seeing how much better/faster their car performs with each new mod. Isn't that enjoyment worth the price of admission alone? (as long as what you've added is an improvement and hasn't cost you a kidney/house/your soul)

"My cat's breath smells like cat food."

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yeh its in my blood too, my old man is in his 60's and he is still burning around in a modified r33 its fun i just race him in my rb20 180sx :D

only thing is I wish i saved more for things like travel overseas n stuff, whenever i go away for a while i think dam why do i spend my money on the car and then get back to the car and sydney and its on again oh well :)

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Spending money on modifying a car would probably be one of the single worst investments you could make. You'd be lucky to get 20% of what you spend working the car back at the end when you sell it. It is the single stupidist financial decision you could possibly make.

However, I spend $20 a week playing basketball, plus I need good shoes to play in and petrol to get there. I enjoy it, I can afford it, so it is worth the money. It is a hobby and I certainly dont consider it an "investment" since I'm not going off to the NBA any time soon. Modifying cars needs to be thought of in the same light - If you enjoy it, and you can afford it, and you're willing to pay for it, then it is worth the money. It is only a waste if you are spending the money as an "investment," or if you are spending money for no enjoyment.

I'm sure many people here see things similarly - they're not "investing" money on their cars, their just having fun with their spare cash.

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Shit yeh, that's the way to think. There are far worse (financially) things to spend your hard earned cash on. Anyone heard of TRAVEL?

Heaps of young people under 25 love to go overseas and spend $10k on a 3 month trip to Europe etc. Well I'll spend my $10k on mods and I'm 100% sure with myself that this is a better way to spend my money.

You're not meant to get money back when you're paying for something to enjoy. You get nothing back from buying a new computer, you get nothing back from buying an xbox or games, you get nothing back from travelling or going on a holiday so look at modding your car this way.

You're not investing, you're having fun with your money.

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thats with me i spent $15gz on my last car which i purchased for $3gz than sold it for $5gz and it was a g200 charade lol. I sacrifised alot to build the car up and it brought me next to nothing in enjoyment due to the lack of power thats why i sold it and am buying an R34 25GT-T. My parents want me to go overseas with them in a month but i told them im staying to save money to modifie my new beast soon to come and i told them to give me the money it would cost for me to go overseas so i can spend it on the car aswell lol

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I don't know about that Mi Goreng, I do wanna stay somewhat healthy! The way I see things, I'm getting the use out of any mods/games/what ever so although I'd rather get all (or more!) of my money back when I try to sell things, I've used them and enjoyed them so it isn't so bad. But people are right when they say modifications aren't an investment. I'd like to think they are but that's just not the case.

They might be somewhat an investment if you sold the car to someone who also knows the value of all the mods that you've put on your car (and maybe planned on buying those mods for their future car anyway) but you still won't get all or maybe even half your money back because it's all second hand now.

"My cat's breath smells like cat food."

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Shit yeh, that's the way to think. There are far worse (financially) things to spend your hard earned cash on. Anyone heard of TRAVEL?

Heaps of young people under 25 love to go overseas and spend $10k on a 3 month trip to Europe etc. Well I'll spend my $10k on mods and I'm 100% sure with myself that this is a better way to spend my money.

You're not meant to get money back when you're paying for something to enjoy. You get nothing back from buying a new computer, you get nothing back from buying an xbox or games, you get nothing back from travelling or going on a holiday so look at modding your car this way.

You're not investing, you're having fun with your money.

Mate spending money on travelling to awesome places is an experience you cant forget for a lifetime, the places you see, the people you meet etc. I dont know much about you but if you prefer to spend all your money on your car and never even leave your home country then you live a very dull and boring life... cars are fun and that but please dont brush of a great adventure holiday as a waste of money.

As for the last paragraph I totally agree with you, you spend money on entertainment and your not gonna get anything back for it, just enjoyment! So lets just enjoy :D

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Mate spending money on travelling to awesome places is an experience you cant forget for a lifetime, the places you see, the people you meet etc. I dont know much about you but if you prefer to spend all your money on your car and never even leave your home country then you live a very dull and boring life... cars are fun and that but please dont brush of a great adventure holiday as a waste of money.

As for the last paragraph I totally agree with you, you spend money on entertainment and your not gonna get anything back for it, just enjoyment! So lets just enjoy :D

I find travel to really not be anything to flashy sure you get to see new places, but in all honesty it doesnt really interest me in any way. i might go for a holiday within australia, but i hate planes, i cbf sitting in one for many hours straight.

Its for some people, and not others, simple.

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I find travel to really not be anything to flashy sure you get to see new places, but in all honesty it doesnt really interest me in any way.  i might go for a holiday within australia, but  i hate planes, i cbf sitting in one for many hours straight.

Its for some people, and not others, simple.

Well after all we are all different and various things interest us :angry::)

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  • 2 weeks later...

spendin big buks on cars is very illogical.... BUT who needs logic wen u have emotions?? i'd only spend money on cars wen im single an dont have a family or any other responsibilities.... so for now... keep on spendin!!! :lol: and as if u wouldnt spend money when you can make ur car luk summin like this! 836824.jpg

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Im spending most of my money on my car, I could have just bought a better condition car with all the bits i want for a few k more.. but the thing is that I didnt have a few k when I bought it (and still dont lol) so this is kinda like slowly paying it off..

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one thing i have never understood is why people buy car and plan on selling em

why buy it if your gonna sell it

i bought my car with the intention of building to exactly my own specs and for me to enjoy it

not to sell it and let someone else drive around in something i busted my ass for and spent endless late nights building.

i would rather burn it than let someone else have it.

i would rather build cars than travel or go out and get pissed or smoke my ass off. ive got something to show for my money that i have earned

ive always been around cars being built from the ground up

because my uncles used to restore classic euros and a few aussie muscle cars

so ive always wanted to do the same

now that i can do it nothing makes me happier

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It all depends on how old you are.

When you are only 20, there is never enough money to modify cars, get pissed, chase skirt, smoke weed, and have fun.

When you are 30 there is never enough money to modify cars, pay the mortgage, feed the kids and pay the gas and electricity bills.

When you are 40 there is never enough money to modify cars, send the kids to uni, pay off the mortgage and have that overseas holiday you always promised the missus.

When you are 50, there is never enough money to modify cars because you have saved nothing for retirement, and must start soon.

When you are 65 and no longer have any debts, have several hundred thousand dollars invested, and are looking forward to future retirement, can finally afford a quick car, you no longer really want to drive fast.

When you are 80 and a millionaire, you drive the Ferrari to the corner shop, and the bowls club at 40 Kmh in the right hand lane wearing your hat. Young punks in very noisy Skylines abuse you and make rude hand gestures. That is life.

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