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Is it just me or do people who cant drive for sh#% think to themselves... "I'm going to reverse into alot of stuff, cut people off and pay more attention to whats in the back seat than the road. I think i'll buy a 3000kg car so when I f#%$ up I cause alot of damage".

This thread is to voice your opinions and experiences with 4WD/SUV drivers and their bad habits / utterly stupid driving. Let me just add this is not a dig at farmers who need the cars for work, etc. This is against the urban SUV drivers who's idea of going off road is jumping a kerb to get a parking spot.

Lets first address the reason SUV owners use to justify having such an impractical car for CITY driving.

1. "I need a large car because I have a large family". Have these people never heard of station wagons or people movers?

2. "I drive in the country sometimes". This is as stupid a reason as someone who lives in the outback buying a toyota echo for when they come to the city. Also I would point these people in the direction of crossover vehicles such as subarus that can go off road but yet still are safe to drive around cities.

3. "4WD/SUV's are safer". Yes maybe in a front on for its occupants but will more than likely kill the people in the other car. SUV's are more likely to roll over, injuring or killing the occupants when they are t-boned or lose control of the vehicle.

4. "You sit higher so road visibility is better". Yes maybe for you. The car behind you can only see your big ugly vehicle. Another selfish reason for having a 4WD.

5. "I need a big car to tow a caravan/trailer". Now this is definitely a reason for having a 4WD. They are the only type of vehicle that has a decent powered engine and come with an option of a tow bar arent they?

So please people feel free to bitch and moan here about SUV's like I have just done.

Or if you are a 4WD owner please attempt to defend yourself but be reminded this is an Anti 4WD thread so you will be cut down, spat on and cyber bashed.

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I think there is a move toward special licenses or road taxes.

I mean come on, the merc M class, who takes that off road really?? not even designed for it with the crappy clearance it has.

Fuel prices should help this along. ppl are just too dumb to know better.

Same with an X5 - ?? Why would you take that off road?? really??

Another major thing that shits me is when you are at a give way/stop sign and there is a 4WD next to you.. you can't f**king see!! You have to edge out onto the road to see whats going to hit you/when you can go!!

I'd be all up for the taxes! Big pieces of crap... they should be made to pay more!! And they are often driven by angry c**ts too!! Like they are better than everyone else on the road - probably has something to do with being higher than everyone else...

f**king c**ts!!!

Hey my mum drives one it cant be all bad.

Its a 2003 jeep and i didnt like the ground clearance so i made it higher for my round aust trip. Now its like pretty high.

That corner thing does piss me off though but considering that most cars ive had are pretty low anyway thats a problem with commos too.

I was reading a report that someone posted a link up for a little while ago about the stereotypical 4WD driver... was a middle aged man or some shit... seemed pretty true... road rage sufferer too.

Tell your mum to get a new car...

With the corner thing tho at least with normal cars if you can't see past the bonnet, you can at least look through the windows... you can't on a 4WD...

maybe if I made the car lower I could see under - that way if I get pulled for it, I'll just tell the cops its to aid in my driving vision...

And whats with putting bull bars on SUV's? "Theres a slight chance I wont kill someone in a hatchback, I know, I'll put a bull bar on and that'll definitely kill them."

And it aint for kangaroos either because most people end up claiming on insurance to repair the bullbar anyway. So you will have to pay an excess anyway. It is purely for mowing down small children and killing people in small cars.

Heres the stereotypical person who drives a 4WD - A Selfish Bully who would kill an innocent child before they harmed a hair on their own head.

A roo hitting the car can really mess it up, u do need a bull bar if u drive in the country alot.

Its the ppl who in x5s and ms that look like they have never been off road that tick me off. Fashionable to drive big cars? weird


Like it was originally posted by DanR33 I have nothing against farmers or people in the country owning/using them - having been way up north for a period of time and living in an area where a 4WD was a necesity, It is these people in the metro area who have absolutely no requirement for them - They are f**king dangerous - not just for the poor old pedestrian, although I admit hitting someone after a certain speed isn't going to make much of difference due to the car your driving, but for us other motorists who can't see or a held up by some dumb c**t who can't move over to the left lane - and admittedly that isn't a 4WD only prob..

An example of the road rage was the other night, I was driving home on a two lane road, a 4WD pulled up way too close behind me at the lights - like less than a metre, don't know why, they werent going that fast, not like it would be hard to stop.. So the lights go green and I take off.. wasn't exactly going slowly, got up to speed limit and jumped in the left lane, then MR 4WD gets in right behind me, a little bit further away than when he was behind me at the lights... Now he proceeded to sit up my arse for a few k's. I had a pretty bad day up to that point and wasn't in the best of moods - I know I should have left the attitude outside the car before I got in but... you know... I slowed down so if he wanted to go past he could - but no - he didn't... By this stage I was pretty irate so I gave him the ol 'hit the brakes take it up the batty' manouever... Lets just say he wasn't too happy. He then proceeded to follow me - I thought f**k this and gave it a footfull and left him behind.

What really shat me was he was doing the wrong thing to begin with and then got angry at me!! I gave him ample opportunities to get past - being a two lane road and all. Idiot!! Admittedly I should not have done that, but on the other hand he shouldn't be driving that close to me for no reason..

And yes I know this is not a 4WD problem only - could be any car, but it is just an example of the type of person I see driving these cars from day to day...

Its not just SUV's seen people in Corollas that can't drive :(

I was driving round in a Landcruiser Cut Down for most of today - ahhh love the intimidation people will actually get out the way when they see a bloody big bull bar on their tail.

Each to their own - stupid drivers in all kinds of vehicles - live n let live. With rising petrol prices you'll see the 4wd sales drop off anyway.

And yes I know this is not a 4WD problem only - could be any car, but it is just an example of the type of person I see driving these cars from day to day...

But that is a 4WD problem. I guarantee the driver was thinking "I got a bigger car, I'll just push them arround. You think if that same driver was behing the wheel of a Holden Astra he wouldve tried to bully you? Do you think you wouldve been as intimidated? It is definitely a 4WD problem you encountered.

Its not just SUV's seen people in Corollas that can't drive :)

Was that a stab at my gf's car? Its ok I dont drive it that much. I got the charade beast. At least I aint one of those annoying drivers from Ellenbrook... ummm hang on a sec :(

My parents have a 4WD and they take it off road every second weekend. But things like the ford F series are just too huge for the city.

Those F series are like two cars long and sit much higher than a normal 4WD as well.

My Mum an angry driver. :lol:

not at all Dan - just got corollas on the brain - work with them all day haha its the first small car that comes to mind. I really don'tr find 4wd drivers more annoying than the rest of them.

But yes the 4wd can be a little bit harder to handle espcially with a spare tyre mounted to the cab rack - me n a collegue tried to parrellel park these big boys this morning and we gave up because visability was bad so we just parked them up on the kerb as u do.

People need to learn how to driveĀ  :(

Where's the fun in that?

Think of a world where everyone drove perfectly no one to abuse, noone to dodge, no cops, no threads ranting about everyone elses less perfect driving skills *sigh*

You DO realise we are ALL biased cos we drive sports cars that are so freakin LOW to the ground. I have trouble seeing over a festiva!

But yes, 4WD's are the biggest menace/pain in the ass on the road.

You can't see past them

They stick thier nose out WAY too far at intersections

The road noise those wankers make with thier nubbly tyres pisses me off

The smell of the f*ckin DIESEL engines I can't stand

Not ONE person can park them correctly

And the amount of those 4WD's I see parked on kerbs/reserves/parks around school zones is just WRONG.

If you go offroad for that ONE WEEKEND AWAY a year HIRE ONE DICKFACE!

LOL @ Strich9 .... classic.

While we are at it - i think people over the age of 60 should re-sit drivers test every 3 years. I saw this one little old lady today hobble out of her car with the use of a walking stick - she looked like she had the reflexes of a snail. I swear half of them are clincally blind too.

LOL @ Strich9 .... classic.

While we are at it - i think people over the age of 60 should re-sit drivers test every 3 years. I saw this one little old lady today hobble out of her car with the use of a walking stick - she looked like she had the reflexes of a snail. I swear half of them are clincally blind too.

Oh, don't get me started on old mavis and gertrude drivers F*CK that deserves a whole other thread!

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