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Sick Of Getting Speeding Fines?


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Hey all

I dont know bout u guys but im sick of getting speeding fines. I alwayz get done for doing a few KMS over the speed limit. Then i recently came across a product which you spray onto your car plates which make them invisible to the flash of speed/redlight cameras. The result will be an over exposed and unreadable picture of your number plate. I personally don't encourage speeding but it annoys da shit out off me when we are being used to raise revenue.

Normally they are 60 bucks each delivered. A few other mates of mine were also intrested in getting it. So i asked bout bulk buying and they said that they could give me 12 for 45 bucks each. This product is currently illegal in Tasmania but in SA there is no law saying it can't be used, so it is still legal(well according to the manufacturers anywayz). We have 7 bottles left. One bottle does 4 car plates. It is onli worth it 4 S.A guys to join in this bulk buy as postage costs for interstate will make it more expensive than buying a single 1.

So if any of you guys were intrested PM me.

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hahah thats the funniest thing i have heard..

DUDE its your fault for speedin..

Yes we all do it, but then its at your own risk..

How about you test the product out yourself.. Speed past a camera n see if you get a letter in the mail a few weeks after..

lol.. gd luck!!! hahah..

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actually acording to the adr's tampering with a rego plate either but putting bits of plastic or alumilium as a divider so the whole plate cant be seen from a angle spraying it with a substance that changes the readabilty of it is illeagel mate .the only way to beat the speeding fines ya tool is too use the right foot attached to ya leg and just dont squeeze it quite so hard seems to work for a lot of other people. i lost a very good friend to a bloke who was as he quoted only a few ks over sorry pal either slow down or pay ya fines and stop looking for a way how to speed and get away from it . sorry no i dont feel sorry for ya

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Yes, it is illegal to tamper with a numberplate.

BUT - there is a spray product that does work (non-aerosol), its been 'tested' by some of my riding mates in our group (I wont mention whether I use it or not, as that'd be illegal). Now of course Id never speed thru the hills on my bike, oh no officer, never.

I cant remeber the name of the product, its from the USA, but consensus is, and this is from reputable people who happen to like riding extremely fast (underline extremely) thru the hills, that it does work in 'brightening' the number plate so that it over exposes when 'happy-snapped'........

Sorry, but I honestly forget the name of the product, its a very small 200ml non-pressurised finger-pump bottle. If I happen to remember and find out the name of it I'll post it up.

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oh wellz for 45 bucks im gonna give it ago, not too much of a loss if it aint workin........sometimes we dont purposely speed...but it just go unoticed....by like a few KM...i waz caught doin 70...which i was totally unaware of.....these speed cameras arent alwayz accurate either......da stuff is called stop flash i saw da advertisement in Fast Fours....

Edited by R33ing
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Ive been done once in the past 5 years, and only ever once on the motorbike around 7yrs ago.

Comes down to luck sometimes.................... and picking your spot. For example, 99% of the time I refuse to speed in the metropolitan areas, wheras Im 'going fast' 99% of the time on the bike in the hills on open 'unused' country B-grade roads.



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Apparently that stuff you were talking about the pump bottle stuff that makes the number plate to bright to see can be by passed. All they have to do is drop the picture back to a negative to get your plate. Well thats what i have read somewhere.

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i never get done by cameras, i only get done by laser guns!!!! get a laser spray and ill b intersted lol

other week i got done on anzac hwy by a laser gun, and the cop took like 5 min b4 he pulled me over, following me all way down anzac...then he stops me and asks if i knew y he pulled me over..i go no officer, then he goes i got u at 78kmh, im like get lost! lol...i ask 2 c the gun, n sure enough its 78kmh, but there was no way i was going that fast. so i complained he was dodgy and just pulled me over cos of the car, and after taking down my details in his little blue book, he goes 'keep ur speed down' n walks off hahaha....

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Your bike mates are probaly going so fast by the time the camrea takes the picture they are out of the frame! :)

hehe Top gear tested this... i think it was 170mph needed to beat a speed camera.

But essentially, if you dont want speeding fines.. dont speed :):)

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sometimes we dont purposely speed...but it just go unoticed....by like a few KM...i waz caught doin 70...which i was totally unaware of

i think Dick smith sell speed Alert device

u need one of those :)

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i was doing a u turn at the front of oxford last nite and cos it was so wet i slid a bit cos i got stockies on the bak, and the security start shouting at me n took down my plate!!!! fkn hell...i wasnt event trying 2 do anything, silly weather...

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