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Bogan Abuse!


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i've never copped abuse, ever, if anything i've only gotten compliments. Once from a bloke in a mustang and another guy in one of those new falcon GT thingos, i think the bloke in the falcon liked the fact that it was a 2 door (R31). Then i had some apprentice plumbers or something look at me for a while and then one of them asked how much it puts out, though i think the exhaust note is what made them ask, was like a deep grumble sound, it was a silvertop RB20 with a turbo back exhaust, allot of people thought it had big cams in it. Also had a mechanic who drove an old falcon say my 31 was "phat"(his manager told me :S).I think it's different for R31 owners, i dunno.

All i know is that i'd bloody go beserk if someone threw something at my car or anything.

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My very 1st car i build while i was on my leaners it was a vc commodore with a worked 5l fuel injected v8 out of a vn clubsport.... was a very cool car although not a sensible choice for a then 16yr old haha.

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2 of my mates have had damage done to their cars in the last couple of months, 1 has a Supra RZ and the other has a BA XR6 Turbo. The Supra has only been in Aus for about 4 months and since then it has been keyed all up the side, had some1 scratch their name into the bonnet and had the rear wing punched down snapping it in half. The XR6 has been keyed all over the bonnet, down the entire side and even the rear lights (at $300 each) have all been scratched. Not to mention all the people who have run into the cars and caused accidental damage.

I dont care what any1 drives as long as they respet other peoples cars and I mean who cares if you dont like Jap cars get over it you dont have to drive 1. Your entitled to you own opinion but keep it to you self, why yell shit at people its not going to get them to change their opinion and that goes for people who abuse Holden drivers. I like Skylines so i drive 1, if you like Holdens then you drive 1, be happy that you drive a car that you like and stfu about it.

</end rant>


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teenagers this generation are more ...i dunno...disrespectful and stupid.

its just common sense and respect not to touch any1's vehicle...we work hard for our cars...sure there's gonna b rivalry, but there's no need for keying some'1s car.

shouting abuse in my opinion is what keeps skyline/holden owners loving their brand of car...its just part of buying the car.

i am a big fan of the skyline, but im not going to say its the best...again personal preferance. i like holdens, fords, toyota's, honda's etc ive never in my life yelled abuse at any1...im not saying im the best person in the world but if people just respected one another it would just be so much better

what i am against is racism! oh i could rant on for ages

im asian and in livin in perth...i dont have that asian pride running through my blood, being a foreigner brought up in australia just made me realise how great this country is. look beyond the persons appearance.

peace out australia!

and i must say this site is full of nice people :)

p.s. if ur car does get damaged on purpose, eye for an eye

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I had a half full beer bottle thrown at my hood while driving. Ever seen what a pretty heavy bottle can do to a GTR hood.. Messy.

I’ve had a rear quarter kicked in at a shopping centre as well. Used to get quite a few bogan comments, one of the favourites on my current car is the way it sounds, always get dead shits mimicking the idle at servo’s. For those who have heard fcon equipped cars you’ll no doubt no what I mean with the weird idle they tend to get haha.

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Copped some abuse b4 xmas, I was at a local roundabout and this sheila stopped the other side and leaned out her window and gave me the forks and abuse I couldnt hear, was so funny I cracked up pointing at her she laughed as well!

I wonder if she is a mamber here?

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a couple of days ago i left the hardware shop and turned at a set of lights.

A car full of bogans in a sh@tbox old school laser yelled out "fully sic bro".

I thought to myself how do they get that when the car looks like a sleeper (apart from the fMIC) and it does not have 24" rims, i look like an aussie as i am one and the car is Jap.



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Into a crowd... injuring people.....

Stop me before I go too far :P

I once had a car full of bogans drive past while I was walking home, they yelled something at me so i replied "bring it on b1tch" at the top of my lungs (ok so I had had a few) did they stop? nope, bogans are full of hot air

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i have a 180sx and an LJ torrana and i get heaps of shit and heaps of praise in both of them.

and on the displacement issue just look at some of 2days supercars and it easy to see where bogans get the the idea that bigger is better.

eg. ferrari enzo 6L V12

aston martin DB9 6L V12

dodge viper 8L V10

And all the old muscle cars

eg. Yenko camero 427ci V8

shelby cobra 427ci V8

corvette stingray 427ci V8

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The one thing I hate about being a Commo owner is I always get looked at as a Bogan wanker but im not. :P

I dont even know how to drop a burnout in my VL. lol

I agree bogans suck but it would be interesting to see if any of you guys would talk down a 'True Aussie Bogan" not some retarded 17 year old in a VN I mean a true knuckle busting bogan.

Edited by RyanVLSL
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I think bommodores a just f*king penis extensions of a car, that goes for all holdens. The only thing u can pick up in a bommodore is guys or bogan chix (like guys). i would rather ride a bicycle then a commodore. The only place a commodore really belongs is wrapped around a stobbie pole or a traffic light.

Now I know this comment is from a while ago but thats pretty one eyed mate.

Trust me mate theres Commos around that will lay waste to alot of Skylines.(Hey im only telling the truth)

Take a drive in some Commies before you start judging them because a few wankers drive them. :P

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Used to love driving my VL's

Had 2 exchaser vl turbo's.

1st one was only putting out about 160kw @ RW on 9psi

2nd was 260KW @ rw on 17PSI

Of course they didn't look as good as a skyline but they were fast.

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