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Bogan Abuse!


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I remember once when I was coming home from a cruise in town some bogan VN wagon with chasers and green P Plates flew passed me and one of them yelled out something, I dont know what he said because I dont understand bogan.

See its not just you guys that cop it.Even as a Commo driver myself I still get jealous comments from these morons.

Edited by RyanVLSL
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I once had a car full of bogans drive past while I was walking home, they yelled something at me so i replied "bring it on b1tch" at the top of my lungs (ok so I had had a few) did they stop? nope, bogans are full of hot air

f**k your tough man, I wouldnt wanna fight you.

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f**k your tough man, I wouldnt wanna fight you.

I agree

Medium Dave mate you would've soon backpedaled if they got out and started approaching you, what would you have done then? still say bring it on bitch? more then likely they would've stomped you into the ground.

Theres 2 types of Bogans.

The pussy kind-The 17 year olds driving rusty old Commos/Falcons who think they can beat everyone in a fight or a drag race but pussy out.

The Knuckle busting kind-These guys are usually in their late 30s and 40s they have been convicted for all kinds of things like Assault,Robbery,Drugs etc and usually drive around in old Holdens/Fords (HQs,LH Toranas,XD Falcons etc) with big V8s under the bonnet.

I seriously would'nt want to come across a Knuckle busting Bogan in a dark alley just after he's had a massive blue with his missus and is extremely pissed off.

Also bogans dont always have to be confined to Holdens/Fords, theres heaps of Bogans who drive around my area in rusty Sigmas,Corollas,Lasers and even a couple of R31 Skylines.

Edited by RyanVLSL
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haha ryan, have we met? :lol:

What's with the boganphobia of late?

You people spend way too much time hating other people.

A wanker is a wanker, regardless of what they drive, how they dress, how they wear their hair, their criminal history, how many different fathers their children have, or which side of the bed they leave their moccassins on. :)

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haha ryan, have we met?  :lol:

What's with the boganphobia of late?

You people spend way too much time hating other people.

A wanker is a wanker, regardless of what they drive, how they dress, how they wear their hair, their criminal history, how many different fathers their children have, or which side of the bed they leave their moccassins on.  :D

lol nah we havent met. :lol:

Nice to see you put my post to good use. lol

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I had a VL bogan up my ass driving through busy 2 lane roads outa Syd on way to the freeway, the asshole was braking crazy & sh#t, cutting in lanes & had me lock up at all 4’s at one point, that made me furious at the time so I instantly looked for anything in my car I could throw at him. Lucky I had shrapnel in the car the heaviest piece is 50c so, so once they were turning off shortly later, pegged the 50c at the back of the car, hit the boot, would of just made a little scratch I’d assume, enough so to satisfy me though.

Edited by geno8r
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Yeah uncalled for it they weren’t endangering my car & driving like a f'ing lunatic.

If the punk didn't cut in & didn't force me to lock up all 4s & miss his card by 1 foot then yeh would have done nothing, but the asswhole came this ' ' close to a crash due to imensily agressive & stupid driving, needed a mild punishment.

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Damn in not a big fan of people acting different cause i have an import but if a group of "bogans" drove around and said stuff and I was alone, id just laugh and walk off. Not worth getting your head kicked in over. It may be jealousy or they wanna drag you but just ignore and let them hurt themselves take care of number one I say ;)

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ive had nothing but positive comments on my car...

a boganish guy was in the other lane today in is old falcon with his family there with him, and he put his window down just to say "she's a beaut mate! farken nice car!"

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ive had nothing but positive comments on my car...

a boganish guy was in the other lane today in is old falcon with his family there with him, and he put his window down just to say "she's a beaut mate! farken nice car!"

Unfortunately not many bogans are as open minded as that guy.

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ive had nothing but positive comments on my car...

a boganish guy was in the other lane today in is old falcon with his family there with him, and he put his window down just to say "she's a beaut mate! farken nice car!"

See not all bogans are one eyed wankers.

I would say the same thing if a nice import pulled up next to me. :)

Unfortunately alot of import guys dont give me a chance and just see me as a bogan wanker when I try to be nice to them.

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I had a VL bogan up my ass driving through busy 2 lane roads outa Syd on way to the freeway, the asshole was braking crazy & sh#t, cutting in lanes & had me lock up at all 4’s at one point, that made me furious at the time so I instantly looked for anything in my car I could throw at him.  Lucky I had shrapnel in the car the heaviest piece is 50c so, so once they were turning off shortly later, pegged the 50c at the back of the car, hit the boot, would of just made a little scratch I’d assume, enough so to satisfy me though.

Haha..Throw some shrappas and then boost the f**k outa there..Nice :)

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Haha, at a 24hr servo a few weeks back, i was filling up the ol skyroid (R31), and these 2 lads, one was you know, normal lookin guy, obviously had been on the gas, and the driver was like indian. They were driving THE biggest POS VN (Funny how they all drive VN's?), they were only a year or 2 older than me (im 17), and they like pulled in next too me. They yell, and im only like 2 meteres, away, there like get a f**ken real car.

I was shocked, i just replyed look at yours, its got about 6 different paint jobs. And there like derrrr so what, is yours turbo or not? come on, give us a run, we'll see whos laughing then. I replied with im not stupid enough, so they take off, absolutely hammer the thing, yellin GET A REAL f**kEN ENGINE!

Quite amusing i thought. I've got many a bogan storeys.

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Haha, at a 24hr servo a few weeks back, i was filling up the ol skyroid (R31), and these 2 lads, one was you know, normal lookin guy, obviously had been on the gas, and the driver was like indian. They were driving THE biggest POS VN (Funny how they all drive VN's?), they were only a year or 2 older than me (im 17), and they like pulled in next too me. They yell, and im only like 2 meteres, away, there like get a f**ken real car.

I was shocked, i just replyed look at yours, its got about 6 different paint jobs. And there like derrrr so what, is yours turbo or not? come on, give us a run, we'll see whos laughing then. I replied with im not stupid enough, so they take off, absolutely hammer the thing, yellin GET A REAL f**kEN ENGINE!

Quite amusing i thought. I've got many a bogan storeys.

I find that a bit hypocritical that they said "Get a real f**ken engine" when the VNs had the worst engine out of all the Commies, The Buick 3800 (I'm assuming it was a V6?).

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hrmm, the VN didnt share the same 3.8 as the VS did it? because I think that the VS commodore had probably one of the best 3.8L engines ever put into the commodore.

VS commodore - Ecotech

VN commodore - Protech?

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