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Bov/plumback Question ~


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ok, i have r32 gtst type m rb20 and i have a greddy type s bov in place of the stock one, it has the plumback running back to in behind the afm to the turbo, i took that off and let it vent to atmosphere and blocked off the plumback line should this be ok ? i know its illegal to vent to atmosphere but f*k i love the sound so much i cant help it, i know if i dont block off the plumback the car will stall + its letting unfiltered air through to the turbo,

i think i just need the whole process explained like the air that would normally be plumbed back if i had it connected comes in after the afm and as such isnt measured so i dont see why it would make any diff to block it off.

somebody please explain this to me :)

thanks ;)

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Hey Deanzzz, i know for a fact in the R33's and safe to say in the R32's too that the ECU uses the plum back pressure to regulate a/f ratio... now when the BOV vents the pressure into the atmosphere the ECU goes nuts causing an imbalance in air/fuel ratio hence stalling... the safest and best way is to use an adjustable plum back BOV such as the GFB Stealth.. these can be adjusted to how much pressure is atmospherically vented and how much is plummed back.. unless you change the ECU and update the AFM to a map sensor, ur greddy BOV will continue to give you the same problem! personally i think the standard BOV is the best upto 12psi - 14psi.. if you want sound.. a stock BOV + POD filter + FMIC will make enough noise to turn heads!!! Just a thought.... but if u really want that loud Ptssshhhh... get a GFB Stealth...



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