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Anyone had that feeling....ohhh Shit! I'm farked..@#$^$#

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anyone had that feeling while you driving...

you try to push bit more and more... then something happends, you starting to pray!.. arrggg I 'm farked... shit! @#$@%.

I had that last time I went to country driving...

160 kmph all the way on right hand turn then alof sudden my rear of the car gently over steering to the left, due to the gravels on the road... and thinking ohh shit! you star breaking but still over steers... Luckly I am equipped with Attesa so I put the foot to the metal.. I just managed to come out :eek: :eek: .

man that was one scary turn I ever did... :lol:

I was no where too... if I totally farked it up probably ended up between trees!

anyway carefull on country driving..etc.



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I get that feeling everyday on the road. You overcommit to some stupid maneuver and think that for sure the car is going to hit, luckily the skylines are so responsive that you can haul it up or quickly drive round the obstacle.

Driving on gravel roads always freaks me, that's why I would never take the Skyline to do country driving.


first time that ever happend to me was when i was in my brothers rx 7 series I in the industrial area took a corner fast wanted to get the ass out and there was little gravel rocks on the floor i didnt notice =)

car went full sideways i just say the Factory in front of me and everything slowed down and i THOUGHT FARKKKKKKK

hahah some how ended up in the middle of the road not hitting anything

and my Best buddy Doxx was there to see it hahahahaah =)

after that i have taken much more care on the road and the way i drive =)

Often the first response is to brake - it's whether you have the fortitude to resist this natural response and do the RIGHT thing to correct the situation.

Often the first response in a non-ABS car is to slam on the brakes and forfeit the ability to steer.

It takes a fair bit of training to lift off and steer out of a bad situation.


actually hahah

i didnt brake

i let go of the excelerator and then turened the wheel and hamaered it

then it went straght the other way

then turned again and put my foot down lol not fast enough to get it stragh plus i didnt really know how to hahah

and then as it was turning back i turnd the wheel opposite again slamed brakes

and presto in the middle of the road

hay i learned my lession =) and

good hehe =)

scariest thiing for me was driving home after wotk along gipps st, smithfield, hot humid day and it started to rain, pull out from a slow moving car into right lane, then all hell breaks loose, back end of car came around to the right where ongoing traffic were, caught it, back end swapped to left, kept this up for 4-5 times never braking using throttle and clutch to balance car, then swapped to left lane, turned into nearest street, brake, no grip on tyres, screeching all around corner, finally stop, got out of car shaken. so everytime its rain, i turn boost controller off and cruised in high gear.

i was scootn down a backstreet at 130, backed off to 100, touched my brakes lightly to start slowing down and the front right caliper locked solid. naturally off teh brakes straight away and the wheel was still locked! i started pumping the pedal to try and release the wheel only to lock the left front wheel as well. as you can imagine, 85km/h into a parked car does a bt of damge, both to the car and the bank account :P

according to Tony Rigoli Performance, front brake lockups in r32 gts-t's are common, be careful fella!

  • 3 weeks later...

My scariest moment was on boxing day while going to the Woodford Folk Festival.

I hit a patch of diesel on wet bitumen, was then tagged by another car which sent me into a spin across the highway, I then hit an embankment on the opposite side (rear end first) and flipped my r33 5 times before coming to a rest upside down. From the conversations I overheard while I was being strapped up for the ambo ride the flip must have looked very impressive.

It took 3 people to get me out due to suspected neck injuries but the x-rays showed nothing and I was released from hospital within the hour. The only other injuries I copped was cut hands.

The attached photo was taken the next day while at the wreckers (I've got more pics from different angles if anyone is interested). The spacesaver is actually sitting upright in the boot and the muffler system has been pushed back inline with the diff.

The good news is the insurance mob paided out and I'm now driving an awesome R32 gtst and the first thing on the mod list is a roll cage :P

That's a classic shot babs! :lol:

I had the feeling the first night I got th R and tried to corner like a WRX. It went all over the place and I had to change undies, pants and the drivers seat.

Had the "Oh ShIttt" feeling plenty of times but usually it was 'accelerator induced' and there were no cars around to bump into.

I've overcooked it bad on cold tyres and the car snaps and you had to correct like 5 seconds ago before you meet the guardrail.

I remember the first time I saw an r32 GT-R and thought there's no way 'only' 300hp could overcome 16x7 tyres with 4wd.

How wrong I was.

I run 17x8 and it'll spin in 3rd no probs. I would imagine there are many cars here that can spin up 18x9 rubber no problem.

Fortunately there hasn't been a point yet where I change from being to 'driver' to being the 'sole passenger' in my 33.


Originally posted by Duncan

Yeah, I had that feeling yesterday.

Changed lanes into a big enough gap, but all cars in front stopped suddenly = 5 car accident.

Yeah, I've had that feeling.

This is what THAT feeling looks like.

Poor Saabie :)

Should add that no Kellys, Duncans airbags or any other participants were injured in the making of these pictures

(well, maybe some pride was injured, but that's another post).

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