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Tried to search but came up bust.

Quick question as to how much shaft play is acceptable.

Side to side there will be some movement...when there is no fluid in the turbo.

what im really wondering about is how much IN and OUT movement is acceptable if any at all.

reason is that im about to swap my turbo for a larger RB25 ...but im perdantic *spelling* about how much play it has. So say it has f**k all.. but to me ..if it has any it cant be good? say less than 1mm

thanks heaps


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I've had about 3x rb25 turbos (bought and sold), and my old rb20 one.. all have had about 1mm play in and out, and the turbos have been working fine on the cars.

You will be able to feel it pull in and out a tiny bit, which I am pretty sure is normal. They've all pretty much had zero side to side movement.

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ahh ok sweet

so i should be enteering lag city shortly.

the exhaust housing as OP6 on it but the compressor has 45V2 on itand the 25 elbow fits on it nicely.

is it late model RB25 Neo ? maybe latmodel VG30DET...


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I think the 45v2 compressors are earlier ones.. can come with diff exhaust housing for the VG30 ones, not sure..

I got an RB25 highflow on my rb20, its not too bad for lag... bit more than the stocker for instant wheel spin action, but when it gets going pulls pretty nicely. Still waiting for tune to get the most of it tho.

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