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My Car Is Wrecked! (warning - 5mb)

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Tonight my car was hit leaving Milton Macca's at the corner of Castlemain and Milton Rd. Thanks to everyone who came up to me and helped out. (also r33skyliner & MRR34) Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the Massive Skyline Cruise...for obvious reasons ;)

The good news is that the accident wasn't my fault, no-one was injured, and we are both covered by full-comp insurance.

I hope everyone that drove by enjoyed the show :D

Here are some pictures I took of the nights events at Milton








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Must have been the night for accidents. Saw a newish Blue 200sx totally mauled on the corner of Webster and Gympie Rd near Chermside around 10pm. Looks like it ended up taking out what looked like 4-5 cars.

The most important thing is you guys are all ok. Hope insurance does the right thing by you.

Sorry to hear about it Liam. Good to hear no injuries and your in the clear. Make sure they repair it properly, I've seen so many dodgey repairs by reputable panel shops but face facts it will never be like it was. Good luck.

damn thats terrible...

i heard rumers of biffo? did that transpire? lol

glad your all okay.

i wouldnt think it be repaied i would imagine both cars are a write off with the level of damage. The commo obviously. and the amount of damage to your line is considerable. I imagine there is a crease in teh roof and the rails arent very straight under the car. lol

glad your okay.


That's right, like everyone has said, glad your ok.

Just from previous experience with accidents, I'd write down EVERYTHING you remember from this accident now in step by step format and what the other driver said, you said.. cause if push comes to shove and he tries to blame you, you've got an written account of what happened. It helped me EMMENSLY when the guy who ran into me tried to claim that it was my fault.

Cars are replacable, lives aren't, just glad your okay :D

I'm sure someone will have a spare seat for you to attend the msc liam ;)

If you end up gettin it repaired i can reccomend B and I panel and paint in geebung, was down there last week and they had EVOCam's old S3 GTR in there pretty banged up, after they were done with it like new. They have all the equipment needed to straighten the rails etc. Bad luck about the crash bud, good to see u have full comp but.


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