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done a search and nothing...

story goes... ive picked up a rb25neodet but the turbo is full of oil as was the intercooler... ppl told me the car had rolled and engine oil had gone to the turbo and to the intercooler :angry: ok

but i dont like the look of all that oil sitting in the turbo when the time comes to run the car it will prolly blow a shitload of smoke and any remaining oil will burn and leave a film of carbon through the turbo and exhaust...

my questions are these:

1. how hard is it to pull apart a turbo i have access to an engineering shop (lathes and mills) wide range of hand tools (no surface/cylindrical grinders)

2. can you get a manual specifically on the turbo all the torque settings/ tolerances ect ect

3. whats involved in reconditioning it

4. i understand they use ball bearings because roller bearing give a up and down shaft play... what if i found a sutiable tapered roller bearing assembly??? thinking out loud they allow for minimal up and down aswell as in/out play if installed correctly

5. where can i pick up parts to do this myself i would also like to change the stock ceramic wheel to a steel one incase down the track i decide to wind the boost up and losing a exhaust wheel into the cat

p.s. its a stock rb25detneo turbo if that makes any difference, says nissan on the intake side

thanks fellas


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Have you considered the turbo, cooler etc was full of oil because the motor is stuffed?

i.e blowby?

It is a very common (and costly) mistake for people to rebuild there turbos only to refit the new one and suffer the same oil problems to find out it was never the turbo at fault.

The roll over story dont sound good either. The only way engine oil could of got to the cooler is if it was still running when upside down from the oil pouring out the breathers into the intake.

And if it was running upside down, the bottom end would not have liked it too much.

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you need a professional shop to do it.

Or specialist balancing machinery.

Its not a case of putting on wheels and it working.

Everything needs to be balanced 100% corectly cause @ 150,000rpm there isnt provision for something unbalanced and it wont last any length of time.

But turbo doesnt sound stuffed to me. More-so the motor side of it

simply put - dont try it at home

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so if it isnt the turbo and it was this "blowby"... how can i tell if the engine is any good any quick test i can do.. how much would this cost to fix... and can someone explain blow by just to give me an understanding

the motor is still under warranty but since then ive cleaned it right up and looks like a different motor so it would be a shame to see it go

also... there was no oil through the intake piping (by memory will check 2nite) the dump pipe and zorst manifold were full of a oily soot dont know if that is normal though... the motor was bought and seen running (not by me) and the ppl i bought it from werent average joes, they have a pretty good sense of what they would buy...

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so if it isnt the turbo and it was this "blowby"... how can i tell if the engine is any good any quick test i can do.. how much would this cost to fix... and can someone explain blow by just to give me an understanding

the motor is still under warranty but since then ive cleaned it right upand looks like a different motor so it would be a shame to see it go

Get a compression test and leak_down test done. That will tell you if its stuffed or not. Not that expensive less than $100.

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Speaking about rebuilds,

what is the cheapest price for a rb25det rebuild?

I've heard figures ranging from 3-7. If I only get new forged pistons and gtr rods where does the other 2-5 grand go? This is for the bare minimum required for a rebuild.

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If the cars been sitting there upside down some time with oil dripping in via the turbo's oil return (as when the car turns upside down the chances are the oil return will pick up a bit of oil and feed it back to the turbo) then I have no doubt that the oil would seep past the seals and in to the comp and turbine housings.

Every turbo I've had I've primed it with oil via the oil return and sat the turbo upside down. Walk in over the next couple of days and I will see oil in the comp and turbine housings.

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i dont think its blowby as there is oil in the intake side... and with blowby there wouldnt be oil in the intake side as it only suck through the zorst port..

thanks cubes for your input thats pretty logical thinking come to think of it the someone flipped their car they would turn it off climb out and wait for the cops, towies ect by the time they turned the car around it would be a good hour

im gonna get it rebuilt by a person who knows wat they are doing



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Pull the comp cover off. When putting it back on use some lock tight.

If the back plate is excessively oily/sludgy and not silver as it should the chances are the turbo is starting to get a little long in the tooth. If its only a bit of oil thats seeped through then clean it and don't worry about it. :)

If it is oil thats seeped through there will be oil in both the compressor cover and turbine housing.

While you are there place your ear really close to the turbo, spin the assembly really slowly listening for any crunchy sounds.

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i dont think its blowby as there is oil in the intake side... and with blowby there wouldnt be oil in the intake side as it only suck through the zorst port..

umm... if you have blowby it will be all through your intake piping if its all stock and u have no catch can.

the exhaust side will just be whats sucked through and burnt as a result of the intake being filled with oil

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