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SR is dyo racing any one can win... as long as you run i think high 11s or low 12s you will make top 16 if not you got to et2 which is dyo any way...pretty sure prize money is the same....

the rule is being changed...

street registed... some cars run no rear seats bare bones interior with only front seats... remove saftey items like abs etc...etc...

my car has full interior abs bla bla bla....just a fixed back seat cause i was told by andra i needed for a satey tech inspection....as i run faster than 9.99....

so tell me about street registed cars....

cheers. mark

mark its shane with the cressida mate.

i would suggest that it wont be amended. agreed its a stupid rule, i bought 2 seats to meet the rule. i think as long as the seat in the passenger side is ADR approved and able to be used on the street it should be fine.

unless some one has put in a rule change submission and paid the money to have it heard, it wont be changed, and hence you will get pinged at sydney if they logged you in qld for it. i would be contacting Jason Ohallaren about this other wise you will have problems mate.

i would suggest they wont change it as they want the class to be seen as the street registered class.

now you AWD boys have enough for your own 16 car field i wish they would seperate the class to make it fairer for the other skyline guys to get into the 16 car s/rwd field. i think this is part of thhe reason people arent racing at comp meets, cause they dont see themselves making the 16 car field.

Shane  :P

ECRO33, nominate for sport rwd and if you dont make the 16 car field in sport rwd they will drop you back to et2.

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guys if you don't like the class don't race in it, seems that you want the class rules from oz mod or sports mod in sport rwd

Why not race in either of those classes if the rules of srwd aren't suited to your needs I'm sure either oz mod or sports mod have the exact rule changes your asking for already in place

guys if you don't like the class don't race in it, seems that you want the class rules from oz mod or sports mod in sport rwd

Why not race in either of those classes if the rules of srwd aren't suited to your needs I'm sure either oz mod or sports mod have the exact rule changes your asking for already in place

I like the class and built my car to adhere to the rule book....like bu5ter i say if you don't like it, either apply for rule changes, comply or don't race.....simple.

This remember is an entry level class for people to race in...designed as a stepping stone to sport mod. which is a stepping stone to Pro rwd. Run ultra light "big cars" in this class and i believe you will kill off the "grass roots" of the sport....which at the moment is so desperately needed.

Edited by DiRTgarage

I don't mind the rules in this clas at all. They fit in with my car and I have no complaints. It will be interesting to see how things pan out in the coming year with plenty of quick cars entering.

I like the class and built my car to adhere to the rule book....like bu5ter i say if you don't like it, either apply for rule changes, comply or don't race.....simple.

This remember is an entry level class for people to race in...designed as a stepping stone to sport mod. which is a stepping stone to Pro rwd. Run ultra light "big cars" in this class and i believe you will kill off the "grass roots" of the sport....which at the moment is so desperately needed.

I think you missed the point, my R32GTST is all STANDARD Nissan as far as the body is concerned. No lightweight panels, no carbon fibre, it doesn't even have forged wheels. To run in its most logical class I would have to add around 100 kgs of lead. That's a BIG modification, arguably an unsafe modification.

As for applying for a rule change, it has been my experience that if one person asks, nothing happens. Even if the request is totally sound and very logical. But if you gather support and 20 people ask, the response is totally different.

Thats's why I posted, not to whinge, but to judge the level of support. Looking at the response I woud say there is a lot of support for the passengers seat being OK if it is a standard one. There is understanding about the 2wd weight rule being somewhat unfair, but the support is directly related to the weight of the car people have. So the R32GTST guys are not happy, the R33GTST guys are OK and the Supra guys are out buying carbon fibre everything to try and get down to the limit.

That's when natural evolution kicks in, the Supra guys stop trying (too expensive, illegal for road use etc) and the R32GTST guys won't bother (no one wants to add weight to their car). So you will end up with a class full of R33GTST's and I don't think that's what is required.

:P cheers :P

PS; I think an R32GTST is more "grass roots" than the other cars that this class seems to fit.

i would think a more serious issue than matching front seats would be say removing a factory saftey unit like say a gtr abs unit to save weight...

where does it end... put a rule proposal in to have non modified braking systems...

would spoil the sport.correct......just like this seat rule was and has been admittied by andra is a error and is being fixed...

I think you missed the point, my R32GTST is all STANDARD Nissan as far as the body is concerned.  No lightweight panels, no carbon fibre, it doesn't even have forged wheels.  To run in its most logical class I would have to add around 100 kgs of lead.  That's a BIG modification, arguably an unsafe modification.

As for applying for a rule change, it has been my experience that if one person asks, nothing happens.  Even if the request is totally sound and very logical.  But if you gather support and 20 people ask, the response is totally different.

Thats's why I posted, not to whinge, but to judge the level of support.  Looking at the response I woud say there is a lot of support for the passengers seat being OK if it is a standard one.  There is understanding about the 2wd weight rule being somewhat unfair, but the support is directly related to the weight of the car people have.  So the R32GTST guys are not happy, the R33GTST guys are OK and the Supra guys are out buying carbon fibre everything to try and get down to the limit.

That's when natural evolution kicks in, the Supra guys stop trying (too expensive, illegal for road use etc) and the R32GTST guys won't bother (no one wants to add weight to their car).  So you will end up with a class full of R33GTST's and I don't think that's what is required.

:P cheers :P

PS; I think an R32GTST is more "grass roots" than the other cars that this class seems to fit.

I totally got your point SK...but did you get mine?? i can appreciate that a R32 gts-t is somewhat disadvantaged...but you must appreciate that not all rules suit all people. The rules are being looked at all the time and some massaging of the rules will always be required to maintain parity.

i would think a more serious issue than matching front seats would be say removing a factory saftey unit like say a gtr abs unit to save weight...

where does it end... put a rule proposal in to have non modified braking systems...

would spoil the sport.correct......just like this seat rule was and has been admittied by andra is a error and is being fixed...

Oh so a GTR N1 is an unsafe vehicle cause it does not have ABS. C'mon Mark have a think about it. Yes the seat rule is silly but until it is removed i will be keeping my Bride seat in (its heavier than a stocker).

The sport is still relatively new and the format in Australia is fresh, so there will be those whose cars are at a disadvantage. However, as in most forms of motorsport, there is provision for the revision of rules, especially if one (type of) car is at an (dis)advantage. Thankfully, some of the rules are being changed for the better. SK is correct though; there needs to be a substantial amount of support for any rules to be changed.

The removal of ABS is not a safety issue. Afterall, we are talking about racing cars. The rules are there for all to abide by. No one can complain unless otherwise.

I like the class and built my car to adhere to the rule book....like bu5ter i say if you don't like it, either apply for rule changes, comply or don't race.....simple.

This remember is an entry level class for people to race in...designed as a stepping stone to sport mod. which is a stepping stone to Pro rwd. Run ultra light "big cars" in this class and i believe you will kill off the "grass roots" of the sport....which at the moment is so desperately needed.

i agree with paul.

either comply to the class rules, lodge a rule change submission or piss off and race with the knuckle draggers or run in sprt mod. at the end of the day sport rwd is dyo, so it doesn;t matter how fast you are, it rewards consistancy.

i agree on the seat rule is silly, but thats the rule.

minimum weights have come down, rwd was 3400 pound for a car with power adders, so dont expect it to come down any time soon.

it is ment to be the street driven class. i drive mine 15000k's a year, i highly doubt a lot of the other cars in the field actually get driven on the street.

11.8 was what the datto that won sport rwd qualified with at the 16th spot.

i pulled my ABS off and the shitty small front brakes and put nissan gtst calipers on them and 330mm rotors, if i had the standard braking equipment my car came with they would be pulling me out of the sand trap every pass even with abs.

straight from the andra website. s\rwd rules

6. Interior

6.1 Interior: Complete interior, including dashboard, door panels, headliner etc., mandatory. Rear seat may be removed. Two matching front seats mandatory. Aftermarket seats permitted, but must be fully upholstered. All factory controls must be retained and operative; i.e., lights, signals, horn, windows and wipers.

7. Body

7.1 Body: Any 4,5 or 6-cylinder or rotary automobile or light truck originally using RWD or 4WD permitted. FWD to RWD conversion prohibited. Mild customizing, permitted, but must retain full-bodied appearance, with minimum 2 functional doors. Doors must open and close from inside and outside. Lightweight body panels limited to bonnet, guards and boot. Aftermarket body kits permitted, but full street-legal appearance must be maintained. One-piece aftermarket front end prohibited.

7.2 Firewall: OEM firewall mandatory. See General Regulations 7.4.

7.3 Floor: OEM floor pan, front to rear, mandatory.

7.4 Street Equipment: Complete headlight and taillight assemblies (all) mandatory; must be operative.

7.5 Windshield/Windows: Complete OEM windshield and windows mandatory. Windows must be operative per factory specifications. (Must open and close via electrical or OEM mechanical means.)

7.6 Batteries: Batteries must be securely mounted; may not be located in driver compartment unless sealed off per General Regulations. See General Regulations 8.1.

8. Electrical

8.1 Ignition: Two steps, rev limiters, etc. permitted. See General Regulations 8.2, 8.3.

9. Support Group

9.1 Computer: Vehicle Management System’s prohibited. Electronic fuel Injection permitted. See General Regulation 9.2.

9.2 Data Recorder: Permitted. See General Regulations 9.3.

9.3 Fire Extinguisher System: Permitted; must be securely mounted. See General Regulations 9.4.

9.4 Tow Vehicles: Prohibited.

9.5 Warm-Ups: See General Regulations 9.10.

10. Driver

10.1 Credentials: All drivers must have a current ANDRA Licence. UDL mandatory for driver of any car running 10.99 or quicker. See Section 1 - Credentials.

10.2 Driver Restraint System: See General Regulations 10.11.

10.3 Helmet: See General Regulations 10.8.

10.4 Neck Collar: See General Regulations 10.10.

10.5 Protective Clothing: See General Regulations 10.10.

What's with the silly names on these late model events? Why not just call them "Internet Warriors unleash their E-Peen" or something?

I think the whole problems with rules came from them cutting + pasting an NHRA class, without cause for local consideration. Gotta remember that there are 30+ classes catering to late model cars in teh states through the various bodies, picking the most conservative + expecting it to work for all people in Aust is a bit daft.

What's wrong with the old Drag Combat rules? As long as the car was street registered and on radials it was all good. And one of the slowest cars won the even, even though it was a heads up class. There's no such thing as consistency with late model cars :D

What's with the silly names on these late model events? Why not just call them "Internet Warriors unleash their E-Peen" or something?

I think the whole problems with rules came from them cutting + pasting an NHRA class, without cause for local consideration. Gotta remember that there are 30+ classes catering to late model cars in teh states through the various bodies, picking the most conservative + expecting it to work for all people in Aust is a bit daft.

What's wrong with the old Drag Combat rules? As long as the car was street registered and on radials it was all good. And one of the slowest cars won the even, even though it was a heads up class. There's no such thing as consistency with late model cars :D

What year model is the bakery van?

As for applying for a rule change, it has been my experience that if one person asks, nothing happens. Even if the request is totally sound and very logical. But if you gather support and 20 people ask, the response is totally different.

Sounds like you have never submitted a rule change to ANDRA or read the rule book on how to submit said rule change. So nice of you to jump on the drag racing bandwagon and criticise something you've never been a part of. Thankyou.

Mark, who within ANDRA has said that the seat rule is wrong and is being changed? Funny that I don't know anything about it?!?!?


Didn't get the chance to go to Jambo, so it's great to hear that some interstate cars are coming to WSID for this event. Hopefully will make for a great day of SC racing.

i will be racing as my car is so we will see what happens in sydney....

just remember it will cost 100 bucks to lodge a protest....

looking forward to my first race at wisd...


actually, they dont charge you until they look at the breach if you right they dont charge if your wrong they charge,

i know this as at compak attak i protested a car that had taken its exhaust of in the semi final.

cant wait to see marks car at wsid, i am thinking a new pb is on the way for it.

thanks brett. ran the 9.59 in qualifing and to back it up ran 9.6 in racing.. which is .1 either side of the faster time...

will be nice to race wisd as last time i made the trip it was called of...

see you guys soon.

be great to see your car Mark, make sure you come and say hi

how did the record get placed at jamboree like did you have to back it up with in a % or just one run is all good


Sounds like you have never submitted a rule change to ANDRA or read the rule book on how to submit said rule change.  So nice of you to jump on the drag racing bandwagon and criticise something you've never been a part of.  Thankyou.

Mark, who within ANDRA has said that the seat rule is wrong and is being changed?  Funny that I don't know anything about it?!?!?


Actually Adrian from what many of us was told at the SE QLD Sports Compact Forum, by i think if i remember corectly most if not all officials including Divisional Directors and the Sports Compact Director.

If you lodge a simple rule submisison change just by yourself out of the blue your chances are very slim. infact they wil pay very little attention to it.

They instructed us you couldnt just follow the format and send it off.

You basically have to start lobbying to loads of Divisional Directors and stuff.

So all your doing is convincing them one to one face to face about your rule.

So by time they sit down at the rule submisison meeting their mind is already made up.

Lol, its nearly getting to a point where you have to make sweetners for officials to think your way. lol

I personally think, that there is no reason why a load of Sport Compact Powerbrokers cant get together for a meeting and decide on a load of rule changes for the good of the sport. like weights etc, some of the basic issues in pro rwd etc.

Oh hang on, i forget they have no say, the NCC does. the bogans that have nothing to do with our sport!!!!

Did i interperit this wrong?



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