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Edit: Assembled interfaces available from caz here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=109498

Group Buy over - thanks to everyone who took part!

Edit: Its very important that you do not connect the cable directly to your laptop - it MUST go thru the interface box. Not sure what it would break, if anything if you hooked it up directly, but i dont want to be the one to find out either.

Edit2: Given caz has a group buy for $105 for usb cables, it would make sense for anyone with usb only on their laptop to get a cable from there (unless you already have a usb->serial converter), given converters are 10$ and up.

Following on from the Diy Consult Interface Kit, my brother is assembling some of these for those who are confident, or dont have the time/equipment to assemble them themselves.

Please refer to the other thread for all other background information - the only difference between the kit and the assembled interface is the price, and it obviously comes pre-assembled.

At this stage, 8 pre-made interfaces are/will be available.

Cost: $70, which includes express post ($72 for paypal, but it's instant)

Ordering and Payment: PM me to order

Payment is available via bank deposit or paypal only:

For paypal, this incurs a $2 fee, total being $72. Payment can made by logging into paypal, and choosing "send money", sending to my email (right click copy shortcut, then paste into the address field when sending money, obviously removing the mailto:). If your address in paypal is right and you choose send address option, then ill have everything i need to send out the interface, but a quick pm with a copy paste of all details would be good. You should ensure theres a confirmed interface available before you do so (else postage obviously cant occur until one is completed).

Make sure a postage address has been supplied. Normally express post items need to be received but no signature (otherwise picked up from post office). Areas outside express post network wont arrive the next day. See list at end of post for previous/pending purchases. I'll keep this updated with the status of all orders. If you do not wish your details (SAU username or email if no SAU username supplied) or the express post parcel number to be displayed in this thread, then let me know.

Already have/dont want consult plug/pins?:

If you already have the consult plug/pins, or do not wish to get them with the interface (to save more money), then i can supply the interface minus the consult plug and pins (just wires on end of cable) for $55 ($56.70 for paypal). I wont, however, be able to provide any help for you to wire this up to your car's connector or however you wish to go about connecting it. Given the kit is made so that you can disconnect the box from the cable that goes to consult port, you could wire it directly to the pins on the ECU, but again this would be you're own responsibility.

List of purchases:

1. Nightcrawler - sent 23/11/2005, MN6508936

2. lbfalcon - sent 25/11/2005, MN6508940

3. FAT32 - sent 28/11/2005, MN6508939

4. CoolPC - sent 05/12/2005, MN5834546

5. RR 84 WA - sent 6/12/2005, MN5834547

6. Osman R32 - sent 8/12/2005, MN5834548

7. linksys76 - sent 13/12/2005, MN5834549

8. MerlinTheHapyPig - sent 14/12/2004, MN5834550


PM or Email



Edited by NewKleer
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mine arrived today - not even 24 hours after I ordered it. Amazing service mate - it works a treat!!!!

Is there any way you can make them USB? My lappie does not have a serial port and I had to buy a $40 serial to USB converter :P

not as easy to find a casing for a usb one (even the box for this one wasnt easy to find), so i wouldnt hold out for one

usb/serial converters are only ~15$ on ebay, and a usb version of this would cost at least extra that id guess (prob 20-25$ more)

check out caz group buy for usb interfaces - if you have a usb only laptop, theres no point getting one from me while that group buy is running

Edited by NewKleer

ah fair enough - I should have use my brain and organised the purchase of a converter better, but as you know I wanted to use it urgently to try to diagnose my problem. Thanks for your help!

just a reminder to everyone that u must not connect the cable directly to pc (otherwise the box that comes with it would be useless wouldnt it :) ) as this can break stuff i assume

just a reminder to everyone that u must not connect the cable directly to pc (otherwise the box that comes with it would be useless wouldnt it :P ) as this can break stuff i assume

This is a one peice cable correct


no, its a cable + box as pic in diy thread showed (ive attached it here now)

having it box + cable means to "turn it off" all u need to do is disconnect the cable from the box - u dont have to unplug it from the consult port near fusebox like one piece ones. so you can permanently mount the cable, and just connect the box up when you're using it.

btw, i sent yours out just now, express post number MN6508940

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the fast service ! Just got some Q's.

From the black junction box to the laptop I now need a cable to connect. Is there any special requirement for a cable to get ?

Also is it OK that one of the plug connectors on the black junction box is lose ? ( moves around in the black box )

Sorry for asking dumbass questions but this stuff is foreign to me :D


From the black junction box to the laptop I now need a cable to connect. Is there any special requirement for a cable to get ?

Also is it OK that one of the plug connectors on the black junction box is lose ? ( moves around in the black box )

the cable supplied goes into one side of the box. the other side, as long as your laptop doesnt have some weird obstructions near the serial port, will plug directly into the serial port (ie, u have the box pluggest directly into serial port).

if this isnt possible, then a normal db9 serial extension will be fine (it will need to be female-male/male-female, not male-male or female-female)

there will be a slight movement of either or both connectors on the end up and down/side to side, as there box isnt manufactured exactly to hold the connectors without movement, so this isnt a problem (it could be glued to keep it stable, but then u couldnt open it if u ever had to)

how long will this be running? i will be interested after christmas for sure.

until all sold - currently up to position 7 or 8 are in process of being made, not sure about anymore after that

Edited by NewKleer

just received money for last assembled interface, this group buy is now over (a few more diy kits left though), thanks to everyone who took part.

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