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Oh Ya Gota Be Joking!


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hmm, get this.. we got a letter in the mail box today, unsigned, complaining about the noise of my car and the noise of the blow off valve (they called it the wastegate noise though :D). the letter is about 2/3 of an A4 page as well.. it was addressed to my mother, not personaly to me, but it calls me stupid and reckless. claiming that i have no common sence at all. also saying im having drags with my friends up and down the street (i live on a dead end street btw). and they are also getting up me about me letting the turbo timer time out (30 seconds max) when i park in the driveway.

ok, well firstly the speed limit in the street is 50Ks like most back streets, and is also barly wide enough to go racing down at the best of times with both cars parked on ether side. not to mention i have no other friends that have fast cars to even think of draging.

secondly, the blowoff valve on my car is standard, it hasnt been modifyed to be louder at all.. standared turbo with the internal wastegate. so what the hell am i ment to do about that? stupid ppl..

its not a started exhaust oviously, and it sounds like the car is reving alot higher then it actualy is.. my dad kept stalling it for that very reason when he had a drive.

as for being reckless and stupid, i do 40ks down my street cause if some1 pulled out ya wouldnt be able to see them in time if ya where doing any faster, and the last thing i want is to run into sumthing and screw my car up that i love so much, or worse still, hit some1. also our street joins onto the main road where there is a school zone, which yet another reason y i dont do more then 40 anyway.

as for letting my car cool down after ive been driving it.. they want my to stop doing that.. yeh sure ill do that, if they buy me the new parts when they break from not properly looking after my car....

like i mean com'on! i may get to 40ks faster then most on the way home (wouldnt do that when the car is cold in the morning), but that doesnt mean im reckles, stupid and endagering other ppls lives like they are claiming..

they said if i dont suposedly stop draging and doing all that they complained about, then they are going to get the video camera out and start to video me to try and get "evidence" of me doing sumthing rong.. but how am i ment to stop doing sumthing rong, when im not doing it in the first place?

what makes this even piss me off more, is that they didnt even have the guts to sign the letter.. if anything i could at least write a polite letter back explaining a few of these things and tell them that i am also a driver that is concered about kids running out from behind cars and that i do slow down even more then 40 (yes i drive like a granny), and take a big swing around kids or ppl when they are on the edge of the road..

*ranicx exploads with anger and fustration* .. first some1 trys to break into my car, and now this!! i cant believe it!

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ur always gonna have people who complain n shit in many area's im lucky enough that my residents are pretty respectable and not really doin up cars of their own but appreciate it, in sayin that 1 person in my street is the only one who complains, sometimes he'll try talk to me about my car acting like friends and then jokes that he'll call the cops and then when a couple mates come over in their cars what a co incidence a cop car usually follows past about 30 mins later and drives off...

if they get u on camera who cares then, ur not doin anythin wrong are u, wow u have an exhaust, ur not gonna get done for that, ur bov is stock so tell them to write a letter to NISSAN sayin excuse me i dont think ur bov is approriate then they will just throw the letter in the bin...

dont do nothin wrong and they are the ones who look like idiots


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ur always gonna have people who complain n shit in many area's im lucky enough that my residents are pretty respectable and not really doin up cars of their own but appreciate it, in sayin that 1 person in my street is the only one who complains, sometimes he'll try talk to me about my car acting like friends and then jokes that he'll call the cops and then when a couple mates come over in their cars what a co incidence a cop car usually follows past about 30 mins later and drives off...

if they get u on camera who cares then, ur not doin anythin wrong are u, wow u have an exhaust, ur not gonna get done for that, ur bov is stock so tell them to write a letter to NISSAN sayin excuse me i dont think ur bov is approriate then they will just throw the letter in the bin...

dont do nothin wrong and they are the ones who look like idiots


yeh i wish i could tell them that, but they didnt sign the letter saying who it was from, and its printed out so i wouldnt be able to tell whos hand writing it was (if i was able to, lol).. ive got a feeling its the nww ppl who moved in across the road a few months ago.. they have kids and seem to fit the profile of the letter.. ive never talked to them b4, but i dont intend to go over then and start to talk to them about the letter if it infact wasnt them.

and yeh im not fussed about the video as im doing nuthing rong, but its just the fact that they would even do that shocked me, like how grumpy can they get? ..

the letter is also writen in a style that implys that its more then just one resident that is pissed off <_<

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also they are complaining that i get home too late on some week nights, which is around 2am some times. which i have in the past weeks, but i rarly do cause i have to get up for work at 5:30am mon-friday. and it also goes "the speeds that he is doing" saying im hooning down the street heaps fast!, i know this is word against word here, but i swear to god (or anything ya want), that i have never sped down my street doing in exces of 50kph which is the posted speed limit

ill try and get a scan of the letter if i can grab it off the table

ok got a scan of it... now ya can see y im so angry

Edit: the ppl who need to know what street it is already know :D so its blured out now


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i hear wot ur saying, i get it in my street as well but then some ppl are just plain stupid when it comes to cars ...

i keep getting yelled at by the old ppl down the road who come to complain about the noise my turbo makes when i drive

i dont have a turbo .. im not allowed to (parents <_< ) and i dont need to in the current car (VRX Magna that dragged off a bike last weekend and won :D scared the sh!t out of my mum though) and even if i did have a turboed car i cant drive it cause thanx to the new laws im not allowed to drive a turbo-car cause i got my P's after July

ppl need to either learn wot they are mouthing off about or they need to shut the hell up <_<

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That shits me when people comlain about things like that

Fair enough if theres a small child or baby that gets woken up every night - but i doubt that i that case.

Sometimes i bring the skyline home at 4am and leave the turbo timer on however long it thinks it needs (30-40 secs or so). Never had a complaint .

If i were you id knock on doors to find out who it is, then sit down with them and explain the BOV and other issues. That should shut them up.

The Nissan letter - good idea

Good luck with it

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Keep obeying the law and ignore the peons.

You might wanna stick to the speed limit in a lower gear and see how long it takes for the letter writer to give themselves away just for a giggle. Look for the sour faced person shaking their head as you drive past doing 40kph in first gear.

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I think I should come down and have a look at this road you speak of... You know... Just to see what all the fuss is about... :D

by all means please do... Nancy Place, Galston, NSW .. its in the northwest side of sydney. turn right when ya come off martin rd (its like all of about 50meters long) and im up that end. nancy place is a short road, proberly about 500m ether end of martin road. slightly downhill towards the T intersection

ranicx, blur out the name of your street.

There's only one way to take this letter. Ignore it. You haven't done anything wrong.

nar i dun care realy.. doesnt bother me if ppl know what street i live in.. alot of ppl i dont know, know where i live *shrugs*

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They talk about previous 'draggers'?

Request names/makes of cars and rough dates

No need to travel at a speed where the waste gate needs to expels pressure?

Even in 1st gear im sure if would be loud. Would they prefer you turned it off and pushed it? Im guessing you use 2nd gear for 40k's - but then "run the risk" of a 'child or someone being injured or killed'?

The letter is addressed "Concerned residents" - when you locate the author request names (or house numbers) of other concerned residents who are threatning you - if there are actually any!

Stiff fine?

For what? driving home? Sounds like the resident (s) who wrote this letter need a hobby

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mate you need to find out who it is and have a 'quiet word' to them about how unwelcome their complaints are... I know from experience none of my neighbours have dared complain about any of the goings on at my place. there is a bloke who whinges in the building where i bought an appartment, but not about me as i'm the body corporate president there. i can tell you this type of person that wrote the letter is a serial complainer and is going to try and cause you some grief as they are bored and always at home. you need to make them understand that this is not in their best interest.

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People who live in streets with speed humps know that they increase noise from cars because they are slowing down then speeding up again.

I don't think your new people to the street are the culprits judging by the "just like the idiots that used to use..." comment.

I drive normally with not much boosting the last little bit before I get home so I don't need the turbo timer so that's an easy fix.

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I think you should write a letter back to them, than letter drop it to everyone in your street..

Has to be someone close (next door or over the road) to you if they are being woken up/annoyed at the turbo timer..

They obviously have nothing better to do with their time.. it's annoying because you can't even have a chat to them about it.. could atleast have left a name on it..

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