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Oh Ya Gota Be Joking!


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i think we should start at ranicx's place.. then cruise to my street for a photo shoot and a bbq, then off to whoever else has annoying neighbours :)

Edited by SECUR1TY
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lol.. im sure my neighbours would love me :) oh and it would be a short crusie if it was in my street.. like maybe 700meters? lol... and its all straight with no bends, but its got a few slight hills

but honistly, i realy dun think a meet up in my street would solve much, if anything.. but im still all for a crusie starting near my place here in galston! :) many places to meet.. this weekend yeh? i soooo wana go cruising! haha

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That shits me when people comlain about things like that

Fair enough if theres a small child or baby that gets woken up every night - but i doubt that i that case.

Sometimes i bring the skyline home at 4am and leave the turbo timer on however long it thinks it needs (30-40 secs or so). Never had a complaint .

If i were you id knock on doors to find out who it is, then sit down with them and explain the BOV and other issues. That should shut them up.

The Nissan letter - good idea

Good luck with it

30-40 sec ??

when I come back from the city after a night of clubbing the timer reads up to 9 min sometimes.......and no im not thrashing the car either...... man I gotta get me a new timer !!! save some fuel !! :P

Oh and in regards to the letter.....I can understand how you feel....some guys in my street actually pulled my dad over and told him that I was being a "hoon" etc..

I live in a semi rural area and some places dont have fencing so little kids and dogs sometimes come running out so im very weary of this and Im always doing 50km or less on my street...Besides one of my neighbours is a cop. hahaha no way id even think of doing stupid shit on my street.

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hey atleast they didnt skip the letter and go to the rta.

same thing but mine read

"dir sir,please present your motor vehicle bearing plates@@@@@@ to hornsby rta for inspection bla bla bla.(the pits)

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Figured out who it was yet ranicx?

Did your parents have anything to say?

nar havent bothered trying yet... dad hasnt been home yet, still at work, but mum was like all worryed about it.. but i sure had many many things to say about it, mostly directed towards the ppl who wrote the letter with many heated conversations with me swearing proberly every 2-3 words.. but yeh.. not happy about it at all. i feel like i should just crack a burn out down the entire street or sumthing... barsted

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Oh my son of rajab.

I can't believe some gutless jealous person has said this about your R33.

By the sounds of the letter, I don't think this could be the new neighbours, considering they refer to the 2-3am business..

Do you have any enemies? Someone that doesn't like you?

I think this letter is just trying to scare you, as they are not willing to show who they are, or let alone refer the letter to you personally.

My guess is that it's just some old person who has nothing better to do but be envious of your car. There is one like this down the road from me.

Your best bet is to honestly do what has been mentioned, basically take the letter to residents who you might think would have something against you, and ask them if they have a problem, and work something out.

Honestly though, who does this? Someone with plenty of time on their hands and is annoyed of a noise they might hear 5 times a week? For around 10 seconds.. I smell old person.

Either that or someone with a V6 Commodore or Falcon who thinks their the crap and hates your car cause it's better and out-performs their common everyday family mover.

Best of luck mate, and it's really sad to see stuff like that...

A SAU Cruise won't do much good in my opinion, considering it will only cause crap with other residents, and if someone does mention something to fellow residents, they would go "ahh yeah I remember when 20 of his mates came over with their loud exhausts and doof doof music and pissed us off"..

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thats the thing, i dont even know any1 in my street.. i make a point of not getting to know any1.. apart from most of them are realy anoying ppl and theres no hot chicks :D

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Its definately someone old or retired.

I have the same problem with my neighbour nextdoor in relation to me playing my "bass music too loud". This is during the middle of the day on weekdays - not late at night or early in the morning! He is about 55, but retired about 15 years ago. He has a daughter my age (19), and a son who is 16.

He frequently complains that my music is so loud that it is contributing to his depression, hair loss, insomnia, etc. and has practically cried on the phone and at the door. The guy is an absolute nutcase. He even left printouts from some wackjob university in America run by fundie-Christians about how repetitive bassy music (I listen to hardstyle / hard trance / hardcore) is hypnotic, and causes antisocial behaviour :)

I play my music with my window shut, and the way the crow flies the fence between our property and theirs is about 20M away, and their house about 30M.

Its not even that loud .. its being played through $85 Logitech X530s for christ-sake :D

Moral of the story: these sort of people have nothing better to do so they stir shit with neighbours to liven up their otherwise boring existence.

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Just paint up a sign to put into your lawn out front with something unlong the lines of "To the gutless wonder who can't sign their letter of complaint about my car, come talk to me in person so we may discuss it"

My neighbours are pretty good on the whole.

One one side they have kids and stuff, but can't complain much about us cause we put up with their 3am parties. And on the other, the lady sticks her head around the fence every now and then when the turbo timer is on, but she can't complain cause her sons friends drive modified cars too.

That and whenever I come home around 2 or 3am, I like to coast down the hill we live on for about 3kms so I can just turn the car off straight away.

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dood, ur neighbours suk ass.

what are they going on about killing kids? because if their kids are out at 6am or 2.30am in the morning, theyre pretty bad parents...what the hell are kids doing out on the road at 2.30 in the morning!!!? ..

on one side i have neighbours which drive an holden ss ute which is around 3x louder than my car, accross the road i have a guy that goes dirt bike riding every weekend and on my other side i have a guy with 4 shitty fords ...but i think hes doing them up ...my liner is quiet in comparison :)

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"I think you should pass this off as a stupid attempt from one of the kids".... i second that .. but then u never know it might just be an adult with poor spelling trust me there are around

hahahaha!! It was YOU!!!

Let me know when the cruise/BBQ is at yr place man... I'll bring my equipment and pump some tunes.. At least it'll make the letter real.

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I think you should write a letter back to them, than letter drop it to everyone in your street..

Has to be someone close (next door or over the road) to you if they are being woken up/annoyed at the turbo timer..

They obviously have nothing better to do with their time.. it's annoying because you can't even have a chat to them about it.. could atleast have left a name on it..

I also think this is what you should do. My friend had a problem with his dog always barking when he left the house to go out or to work or whatever, the dog would constantly bark until he returned home. Someone wrote an anonymous letter to him and stated that "other residents" were also concerned about the noise.

He wrote a letter back, made copies and did a letter drop to all the houses in his street and the one behind him.

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haha they used capitals for "Video evidence" now THAT SOUNDS SERIOUS be scared! lol

anyway talking of stupid neigbours, when i had my birthday party, there was next to no noise that could be heard from the street and both neighbours were aware and cool with my party.

A friend had parked his gtr outside my house, when he went back to his car, he found that someone had smeared human shit all over the door handle. thats what i call f*cked up!

A neighbour across the street probably did it as when i came outside to say bye to another friend and he came out of the house and went crazy, his wife had to hold him back from starting a physical fight with us, he was drunk off his face at the time (real smart guy im guessing!) the story got even more interesting but im too lazy to type it all!

Anyway, dont change your ways if you do nothing wrong, if they who complained had any sort of backbone or brain, they would have knocked on your door, and had friendly conversation with you to try and resolve the matter nicely rather than writing a stupid anonymous letter.

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Just save it for the Gorge. :-)

But Galston's a pretty "old" kinda place. I can see some old fart, craving attention but not knowing how to use the Internet, chucking a giant whinge because no-one cares about them.

Not only are they "learning about computers", but they're also finding some way of annoying people around them.

Back in my day, old folks just buggered off to the Bowlo or the Arey to play bingo and the pokies. I just don't get it with the old folk of today.

But, when you move out, let us all know. I'd be quite happy to unbolt my exhaust and drive around with just the cats. Being NA, there's nothing between the manifolds and the cats to muffle the joy.

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bash em bro !

nah seriously, these people dont know their shit obviously. go and confront them and show them they're wrong about the blowoff noise etc (dont be rude unless they are :)).

the turbo timer problem: well 30 seconds is acceptable, more than 2mins is not. (i get ppl parked out side idling their car for AGES and it shits me).

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