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Guest 180Chick

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Guest 180Chick

Hi guys

There is a white van currently travelling in the Kingston/Fyshwich area with QLD number plates.

They are selling home entertainment from the back of their van.

I would not care except they sound like the EXACT guys that stole Soundstream and other gear from me.

If you are currently working or out in Fyshwick or know someone who is can you PLEASE tell them to have a quick look around where they are for two mid-20's guys in a white van!

PLEASE HELP!! Any assistance is greatly greatly appreciated!


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Guest 180Chick


All they could tell me is that a few people have reported a white van with QLD number plates selling gear but apparently, get this, it is legit!! LOL!

Anyways, I will not get into that. I rang the police. I then rang the detective looking into the robbery from September. So I have done the best I can by way of cops.

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I actually got approached by these guys about 4 weeks ago out the front of J-Racing. White van, interstate plates, two early to mid 20s guys inside trying to sell me home theatre setups used in clubs/bars etc.

Didnt buy them, didnt bother reporting it to the cops as I didnt catch the number plate... yeah.

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If your conserned and you think they could have your gear go out to fyshwick and have a look around for them.. and see what they are selling. Alot of people do it legitly, and their are alot of thiefs around anyways. I would say it could be a very hard to track down and pin point the exact person who stole your gear, as they're probably long gone now. Anyway, is their something suspecious about them particular that makes you think they could be the ones who've got your gear? If i see anything, or if im approached i'll ask for their number so i can contact them 'later' about their gear and pass it onto you. Goodluck


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Guest 180Chick

Dayne, they approached my friend today who gave me the exact description I was given when another one of my friends (who did not know my gear was stolen at the time) was approached by two guys four days after my soundstream gear was stolen, selling soundstream gear, which is why I think it is them.

Yeah they mentioned to my friend today something about clubs and bars.

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Personally i think if there are the guys to stole your gear, the gear would be sold by now..

Hangin on to stolen goods aint sound like a good idea..

Steal it, and get rid of it ASAP..

For the exact reason your talkin about here.. There victim is a customer.

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Guest 180Chick

Yeah at least they are back in Canberra for the police to watch them.

SkyGTRline, I know how criminals work, I work in the legal industry. I know they sold it and I know the area that they sold it in. However they also did a few other house break-ins the same time as ours so they need to be caught and put behind bars before they break into other people's houses in Canberra and I honestly hope that they do not!

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this is a scam that has been running here in brisbane for ages. the gear is all legit but not worth a pinch of shit. it is a business that targetys young males telling them they have just finished a delivery and have surplus stock to get rid of before they get back to the wharehouse. they show you glossy magazine ads and show the price at what they are supposedly worth. usually like 2-3k and try to sell it to you between 200-$1000. even telling you they will follow you to the ATM to get the money....Dont get caught by these guys

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i got approached by those guys...in a white van...down in Lansvale/cabramatta!....now thats far from Canberra...offered home entertainment stuff...offered them $100 they laughed....biatchs

not too sure if it was QLD plates... but i was sure they were young white males

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 180Chick

Thanks guy for all your information and help :)

I think it may be different to the scam that people think of as the people in the van are friends of the people who were arrested that broke into the house. They are all friends who have been behind bars before but in ACT, a slap on the wrist and that's all you get. So they are thieves that do houses, as proof, but I think that in relation to the guys in the van, the police have no evidence at the moment, nor do the friends want to dob them in for robbing the house...so we will see what happens.

I think the police are watching them with a close eye and waiting for them to stuff up badly :)

Thanks again guys for all your input and help :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spotted a grey van with two males trying to sell me and a close friend some new home theatre stuff from the back of a grey toyota liteace, Rego i have saved in my phone if needed!!!!

Called the police, The took my details, But not greatly interested!!!


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