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Racial Voilence


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I just got a SMS sent to me.

"Meeting at Newcastle beach & CBD next week for a wog bashing. Bring your Grog, bring your Pole to crack some Skull Next Sunday"

Anyone you pass in the street that looks like a wog take no remorse and smash them.

Anyone wearing a gold chain and driving in their full sick cars Smash them and their cars"

"Wog" better not mean anyone who is not Australian. That's what we fu(%kin need, europeans to get involved. Good thing I'm going to America for 3 months...but then again gangs have 9's there and they aint affraid to pop a cap in yo ass :)

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Babylon, Your attitude as you describe is what is needed from everyone to make this country great.

You should not be disheartened by the actions of a small minority - that being some of the louts at Sunday's meeting.

Just the same that they should not be disheartened by the actions of a small minority of middle eastern population.

What is increasingly evident is that the root of the problem should be dealt with by this countrys leaders. Right now I have no confidence in that being done. Like Matt said - their strategy right now is to stop the events occuring.

But looking forward?

As a Christian who is from the middle east makes me realise what a great country Australia is, ive always considered myself Australia who pays his tax, likes to drink and is law abiding citizen (except for the mods on my car n shit)

im the kinda of person who wears his heart on his sleeve

not long ago i was hugging a yobbo white Australia jumping up and down when

Australia qualified for the world cup, i was the person who was yelling aussie aussie aussie crowd would respond oi oi oi . I was the one singing the national anthem.

I had applied for holidays to go to the world cup in Germany wanted to know where I can buy a Australian flag.

My mates mainly ethnics have always said to me "why do you consider yourself aussie? your a 2nd class Australia" and always would disagree with them.

my opinion was im Australian full stop. The events that took place on Sunday @ Cronulla have let me to believe i will never be considered a aussie. I was only fooling myself. At the end of the day my mates were right!

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lmao babylon...wtf is an Aussie anyway, only 2% of Australians are indigenous Australians. Do you have citizenship? an aussie passport?

If you do you're as Aussie as the rest of us, yeah I'm of anglo descent and proud of my heritage the defining over riding point is I"m descended from Anglo-Saxons but I am Australian.

Follow you heart you come across as an intelligent young man until you start quoting your small minded friends. Don't become one of the mob, there are 3 sides to choose from in this situation 1.Racists anglo's, 2.Racist ethnics or 3. the huge majority of this country who think both groups 1 and 2 are friggin nutz.

Be counted in group 3 with the rest of us non ignorant Australian residents.

Don't just go bahhh and place yourself in a tiny lil box.

Aussies are all creeds,colors and religions sadly some of the people in our country don't understand this, the majority of these tossers could also be medically classified as simpletons.

Edited by madbung
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My mates mainly ethnics have always said to me "why do you consider yourself aussie? your a 2nd class Australia" and always would disagree with them.

my opinion was im Australian full stop. The events that took place on Sunday @ Cronulla have let me to believe i will never be considered a aussie. I was only fooling myself. At the end of the day my mates were right!

Heya man, don't try convincing yourself that you are 2nd rate anything. I am half aussie half chinese-malay, and all through my school life I copped a lot of racism from aussie "yobs". But also my friends were white aussie in school (though I've lost contact with all of them now). It's not about race. It's about yobbism and stupidity, and you can get that from any race/culture.

I hate any sort of gang member that propogates this sort of violence. I've had my run ins with "leb" gang members before, but I don't hate arabs as a race. One of my best friends is Syrian, and he is one of the nicest, most decent human beings I've ever met. All this shit that's been happening doesn't even make me think any lesser of him, because it's nothing to do with race. His family left the middle east to get away from all that bullshit and now it seems like it's followed them through no fault of their own. I gotta feel for him and his family :)

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Yeah it's fair enough to be pissed off Babylon, just don't stay that way :)

If every intelligent individual out there tried to influence one or two sheep each we'd be heading in the right direction, the best thing you can do is talk to your mates and hopefully they'll realise that the other 19.95 million real aussies feel the same as you do regarding this distasteful mess...Disgusted.

Edited by madbung
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i just say the lebonese gangs and aussie surfers etc all have one big footy/soccer/what ever game against each other then get together and get pissed afterwards... on root beer (so, not pissed) :D:)

Anyway, if ur car is damaged send the bill to state government :D

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Man when i was on the train today and yesterday the whole vibe was nervous and intence.

I also catch a train to and from work on the bankstown line.

Im afraid for everyone.Like what has allready been said we dont want a LA type scene in 10 years time.We all need to get together and drive out the snakes (wacking day!oh wacking day) taken how you want it to sound, the lebanese community needs to stop being so bloody territorial and strat being bloody aussie.

Both sides think it is a sort of game.Where one side hits the other then the other side steps up to the plate and vise versa.

The thing is though i know there are allot of people from both sides who wish they would give up.

Big Johnny H needs a little toe in not toe out..

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some very valid points are comments are being made here, im a memeber on nissansilvia.com and its a joke reading what some people have to say

but as said before, the 3 types of people was a good way of describing the situation, im also in the 3 group of people, i dont dislike any race or religion but i dont like the ones who have this racial view and dont respect australia, if these people really dont like it here there free to leave

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yep this is a very civil thread, unlike our local obsessive motorsport where its just makin things worse,

the thing that annoys me now im italian which im extremely proud of my heritage, but never for one split second have i disliked australia and im proud of living in australia so i am in the 3rd group who is disgusted by both parties, but yet when im driving around i get fingers up at me, yelling and abuse...so by the looks of it like some1 asked earlier does "wog" mean anyone not aussie, well by the looks of it it is, so to me its not just a leb v's aussie, which is scary now, its just that the lebs are attacking hard, but dont give it too long before other european natio's get involved if they get affected badly...

im not on either side, ive personally been attacked by the leb side, which i understand they can be extremely intimidating so i think they need to build a bridge and stop tryin to look like a sik c*nt

and all through skool i was harased for being a wog by aussies so i think now they need to also build a bridge and get over it, accept different cultures, nationalities, ways of life

it comes down to parents i think alot, because alot of racist "aussie" ppl i know u take a look at the oldies and in every case ive personally seen i can understand why they have become like this, it happened to my oldies when they cam to australia in the 60's

both parties just need to snap out of it, take responsible action upon them selves and have respect for each other

its asking alot but for the sake of the country it is needed


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I am an Aussie.

I was born here, to an Aussie mother, and a Kiwi father.

But I am an Aussie.

I consider all you guys that have posted above me, no matter what country you were born in, or where your parent's or grand parents were born, an Aussie.

As mentioned before, if you have citizenship, or a passport, your as Aussie as I am. Hell, even if you just pay taxes, your as Aussie as I am.

The thing about these small minded minorities is.... just that. They're all small minded. Very little intelligence.

If they had much at all, they'd be able to realise that EVERYONE in this country has come from somewhere else in the world at sometime or other. Whether it be you and your family last week, or your ancestors 200+ years ago.

We were all bought here by something, for something.

Be it by leaky boat in the 1700's because you commited crimes or were looking after those that had. Or by boats in the 30's, 40's and 50's because you wanted to escape wars etc.....

Or be it now because you were on holiday here and loved it so much that you had to come back to live for the rest of your life.

No one was truly born here, and no one truly owns this country. Thats what makes it so great.

Diversity in culture make the Australian way of life one of the best, no, THE best in the world.

And small minded individuals like these fools on the weekend need to realise that the greater part of 14+ million people are not going to stand for any of it and want our lazy, laid back country back the way we damn like it!

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Most of you guys just seem concerned for the immeditate future...

'just stay away from me and i dont care'.... thats a pretty shite attitude to have. its the reason these gangster faggots have gotten so far out of control. because unless people are face to face.... (usually 1 face to about 10) they dont care. they just say... 'she'll be right' or pretend they didnt see it. If people would have stood up years ago when this all started flaring up. and the cops did something while these leb drug and crime gangs were starting off we wouldnt be in the situation. which is all well and good to say now that its in the past.... but what people dont say is 'damn, if we dont start stopping this kind of behaviour now its only going to get worse.' then in 10 years when we have NO GO zones that we cant drive through we might look back and say 'damn.... that was the time to act, its too late now. maybe we should move to queensland'

For it to change there needs to be a couple changes to this country though. first off the media need to stop painting everything different to what it is. It is race related... but its not with the entire race. just with the group that choose to cause trouble and mess things up for everyone.

the police need to take action agaist these punks. which isnt going to happen while they are scared of retribution from the lebs connections and also from the media.. OOHHHHHHH HE HIT THAT LEB! HE MUST BE RACIST......      OHH U HIT ME BRO? MY CUZNS ROOM MATES DEFACTOS 2ND CUZN RUNS DA DRUGS AROUND PUNCHBOWL HE'LL KILL U  PIG.    the cops need more backup from the governments and local communities. Maybe a restructure?

The politians needs to stand up and stop trying to down play the issue. they need to admit whats happening and try to find a solid long term solution. But it is easier to keep a minority happy and secure their votes then it is to keep a majority happy over a wide range of issues... so that isnt going to happen!

Everyday people, thats right you and I need to stand up and say, NO! not good enough, we're not taking your shit! You've got your car loads? You cant use your carload against a WHOLE community! I'm not saying lets bash the lot, or kick them out... I'm not saying thats NOT the answer either.

I think the key lies in the police actually policing, the media needs to show whats happening at the core of the issue not just paint the dirtiest picture, the politicians need to ackowledge whats happening and legislate changes.

Most importantly people need to stop thinking 'she;ll be right! Someone will fix it...'

theres my rant! f**k this is long hahaha, i normally just post up

"You are gay!" or somehting similar. have a read, have a think :blink: A real think!

Yes the media is shit, but it is also their job to paint the dirtiest picture, thats how they get paid, thats how they get peoples interest, thats what sells. People watch the news and read the paper to find out what kind of sh!t is going on in the world.....what do you think the ratio is with happy stories compared to all the negative bullsh!t that gets reported...? ...20-80? ...

Lockup the small group of punks that are stirring sh!t and leave the rest of the lebs alone...i like their bread....

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Completely understandable man.

And if you want to get really technical, not even Aboriginal people are truly from here either. But thats another issue.

Look at the photos from the last few days though. How many Aboriginal people do you see in them?

And yes, I know you can't always catergorise by looks, but thats what people seem to do lately.

And lets be honest, if there were Aboriginal people causing these riots against ethnic people, then the media would be all over it like a rash. Cause for some reason, they always like to bring down Aboriginal people any chance they can.

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Yes the media is shit, but it is also their job to paint the dirtiest picture, thats how they get paid, thats how they get peoples interest, thats what sells.  People watch the news and read the paper to find out what kind of sh!t is going on in the world.....what do you think the ratio is with happy stories compared to all the negative bullsh!t that gets reported...? ...20-80? ...

Lockup the small group of punks that are stirring sh!t and leave the rest of the lebs alone...i like their bread....

I understand this, thats why I'm suggesting people look at the big picture... and not just the 'what about me? what about now?' philososphy.

Babylon has the right idea... maybe we give him a little podium and have an SAU cruise all around Sydney and he can preach to the uneducated masses what it is to be an aussie! To put this country, and the people around you first.

Monkeyplunk was on the right path :) I think to be an Aussie... You need to put Australia First! and be happy to do so! I understand its important to keep in touch with your heritage. It had a large part in defining you as a person and it's something you should feel proud about. But if your in this country, you or your parent CHOSE to come here to life our lifestyle and enjoy our surrounds.

Not to change the lifestyle or to destroy your surroundings.

Peace out bitchez :D

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I just got a SMS sent to me.

"Meeting at Newcastle beach & CBD next week for a wog bashing. Bring your Grog, bring your Pole to crack some Skull Next Sunday"

Anyone you pass in the street that looks like a wog take no remorse and smash them.

Anyone wearing a gold chain and driving in their full sick cars Smash them and their cars"

Real Fuc*ing nice.

Skyline cruise to Newy might not be such a good idea!

I think I heard/read somewhere that the lebs are planning a mass gathering for this sunday..

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The cops have been going after Leb gangs for years. I remember in the late 90s they brought over gang specialists from LA for advice on the best ways to stop the spread of gangs, as obviously we don't want to end up with a huge gang problem like LA.

But the reason for the riots on Sunday was due to members of the Lebanese community going down to Cronulla and starting sh1t with the locals. It happens in a lot of places. I can understand their frustration, as I have seen it around my area as well. Some people say what happened on Sunday was people finally standing up for their area, and standing up against the trouble makers. But I'm sure you'll agree with me that what happened on Sunday can only cause more trouble, both in the short and long term. It has already caused trouble in the short term, with retaliatory attacks on cars, shops, churches, people etc. It will also cause trouble in the long term as more Lebanese feel they are not welcome and will be further alienated from Australian society, and may wish to cause even more trouble. (i.e. terror attacks)

But at the same time, definate action has to be taken to stop gang members making other Australians (not just caucasians) feel that they are not safe in their own suburbs. It will require very complex solutions. :)

Well if the situation is resolved so that no-ones pride is much damaged I think it'll work out, but this sort of thing takes probably a generation or two as their decendants fit in better and achieve better lifestyles.

That, or it can end up in the worst case senario where we get suicide bombers demanding the government grants the a piece of land so they can start their own country...not saying it will, but if it can happen elsewhere, it could happen here......

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Because I was paranoid about Mr Police in the future sticking a magnet to my front guards, or my bonnet and realising they weren't metal, I followed up on a tip I got from a friend who got his metal guards widened out. I had wanted to do this 'in the future some day' but thought I may as well just do this 'now' given I'd be driving around all paranoid about my fibreglass front fenders on my otherwise legal and engineered car. SO ANYWAY I engaged these people during the time I was returning the original body parts, so the car was at Shop 1 with no front end at all, not being fitted or being painted A pillar back even though I was more than happy to just get the front panels painted separately when they existed. (I understand the reasoning for not wanting this, but I was just trying to save time). And you guessed it, the metalbenders took much longer than they said they would take, and Shop 1 man had a medical issue where he had to close the shop indefinitely (legitimately).  So even though I had to return a bunch of stuff, and a car sat around for months with no work being done on it, there's no actual bad blood there, so I don't want to name names and say "SHOP X SUCKS" just... do your diligence. Metalbender place returned my Bonnet and Guards to me eventually, which was when I realised THIS: Is going to make my life hard again, because having wider metal guards doesn't make much benefit if the actual point it hits is the connection between the bumper and the guard. Which is why Nissan flared it out, ostensibly.   With regards to the bonnet, I needed vents in the first place because the car likes to overheat due to heat soak on 40C days with the aircon on, if the car has been driven for more than like 30 minutes. Only with the aircon on, only on days that hot, only when sitting, and only after ~30 minutes. So the logic behind it all was to cut vents in. I had originally thought to just the flat pieces out (not the webbing!) and put mesh in there, which would have worked fine. Then talking to the metalbenders I was convinced this was a bit agricultural and water would get in. STUPID EVERYONE INVOLVED didn't think of simply using a plastic engine cover on the engine, and we started talking about vent design and rain gutters instead. There was also the issue of while the guards both fit what I asked for, which was: "Can you replicate these URAS Fibreglass flares on these stock metal guards by the same distance, or maybe +10mm wider?" ..the issue was the guards weren't the same as one another when the job was done. Enough that when I fit them and went to paint places, the overriding feeling was "I can't get it painted while they're like that". So, I Karen'ed and they offered to fix them up to get them symmetrical again after I drove back and showed them, and we did the whole lean back from a few meters in front of the car, and: "Oh yeah" "ahhh yeah".. "Ahh, ... yeah, yeah nah yeah" ... and I then took them off and delivered them. I have it all back now, and while the guards are better they're still not symmetrical, and I'm paranoid about a tiny bit of webbing actually being cut with the vents installed, and only slightly remorseful about the fact that METALBENDING WAS REALLY EXPENSIVE, and it would have been cheaper to simply buy all of the Nissan OEM pieces, including $2200 aluminium bonnets, and $2000 guard sets and OEM plastic bumpers and get it done that way. YOU ARE WARNED. also, anyone wanna buy my GTR brackets between the headlights? Useful for someone doing this conversion and they cost about $1000 cause you didn't want to use/mark up/damage the fibreglass replica the company sold you to make their stuff fit (it won't fit).
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