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Racial Voilence


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i dont think racial tension will ever be stopped, my parents came to australia in the late 50's and 1960 in search of a better way and have made australia their home, i was born here and consider australia my home even though i do keep a close relation to my heritiage since i have most family in italy, but never in my mind do i rubbish australia, if it wasnt for this country i wouldnt be here right now...

it happened to my oldies when they were growin up and i believe it comes down to parents as well for eductating there kids, i believe this because 90% of the people that harrased my folks, their kids were the ones harassing me, so i believe its the character of the parents that shave off on the kids...


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Yeah it's fair enough to be pissed off Babylon, just don't stay that way    :)

If every intelligent individual out there tried to influence one or two sheep each we'd be heading in the right direction, the best thing you can do is talk to your mates and hopefully they'll realise that the other 19.95 million real aussies feel the same as you do regarding this distasteful mess...Disgusted.

It's great to see good people out there who feel this way, because I must say that I'm still not sure about what to classify myself. Until only recently I used to think exactly like Babylon's mates.

I'm Asian, but I grew up here and growing up, I copped a lot of flak from bullies, even though I had Aussie friends. But I've always loved this country. I joined the Air force cadets with my mate who’s Aussie because we wanted to enlist in the armed forces together. When it came to going for uni, I was sure that I was going to do it through ADFA and join the air force.

The fateful day happened that as I walked home from school, some bloke’s hurled abuse my way and that made me think "I'm going to join the defence force. I'm going to serve my country…Is it really worth giving it my all?"

I still love this country. I’m just an ordinary civilian.

...hope this isn't 3 consecutive posts :)

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im not usually a violent person, but last night a police officer really gave me the absolute shits.

i was at a shell servo when there was a police car there. i was only stopping to get some credit, then we had the following conversation:

officer: where are you off to tonight?

me: just getting some credit then im going home.

officer: wheres home

me: (told him)

officer: dont go down to the shire or ill defect you!

me: i just told you i was going home MATE.

officer: well make sure you tell your friends too!

then he drove off.

what a f**king prick. implying i was a rioter. i hope he f**king dies!

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As long as they stay the f..k away from the norther beaches its all good.

The scariest thing about picking a fight with Lebs is they do not know when to stop. 

True!!!! My sister dates a maori fella and whilst at a BBQ his mates (All Maori) agreed that Hey you go to the pub with your mates and you get into a blue with some other people ie- convict heritage aussies (me) and you have a fight, well then hey you have a fight. You dont pull out guns and knives, and if you get a hiding, you get a hiding and thats that. You dont make the area your own and threaten to kill people etc thats just nuts.

What happened to the good ol days of just a fistycuff and that was it? I know the the local maoris round here, whom are our friends and mix fine with everyone fine dont go looking for trouble, but like I said if you have a fight and you lose, thats the end of it, you live to fight another day. Ive had fights with other fellas at the pub then gone back the next weekend and seen them there and everything was right as rain, had a beer with them etc. What happened to Australia...............

Burning one of the Bra boys car isnt the smartest thing to do and I predict that soon the Lads will be a part of this brawling aswell...............

Edited by Dingo
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too bad the aussie guy who got stabbed was not protected

or the father who was bashed infront of his son taking out the garbage

or the lady who came outside to check on her elderly neighbours.

just a few i can remember...

im not taking sides,just letting the discussion know what i saw on the tv

and the way i've personaly seen the law act in my local area work.

but its not like the cops can be everywhere? especially in front of some random persons house.. they are doing what they can, where the people are gathering in force...

cops definitely need more powers in a situation like this.. well.. not so much power, but more presence...

not sure what else they could do, short of seriously hurting or killing these people...

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if you have a fight and you lose, thats the end of it, you live to fight another day. Ive had fights with other fellas at the pub then gone back the next weekend and seen them there and everything was right as rain, had a beer with them etc. What happened to Australia...............

Damn straight.

Reminds me of this episode of Scrubs I was watching today. Colin Farrell was guest starring, as a guy who was in hospital looking after someone else.

Turns out the unconscious guy was someone he knocked out in a bar fight. When the main characters got upset over it, he just said "Where I come from if you knock a guy out you hang around until he wakes up and make sure he's OK".

When the guy finally does wake up, Colin's character apologises and the other guy accepts it, saying that he did throw the first punch.

Which is what being a young Australian male used to be about. Not anymore though. In the old days if you knocked a guy to the ground, that was it. If he didn't stay down you let him get back up. None of this head stomping thing that's so common these days, or pulling weapons, or calling a bunch of your mates to back you up.

Even the older bouncers have said that the young guys these days don't respect the "one on one" honour system like they used to. In the past when bouncers got into a fight with patrons, other bouncers only stopped other guys from joining in...they didn't get into it themselves unless a brawl broke out. Unlike now where 3 or 4 will gang up on one guy.

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there were mass cops in wollongong last night and the cop cars were paired up with the cars full of cops... apparently theres some thing goin to happen at south beach, but meh i wont be goin out on sunday, ppl wanna bash themselves they can go a head and do so


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Mmmm if only you would have taken those pics when i was driving past.. could have snapped me in my line :huh:

If it hasn't already been mentioned yet... apparently the fire was the result of a can of something flamable expolding in the boot.. But yea... it certainly made things interesting...

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apprently last night at the towers the bra boys (or some racist aussies) where there smashing up "wog cars" and starting fights..

its everywhere now.. i dont even feel safe to leave my car outside my own house!

it disgusts me that these ppl call them selves aussies.. makes me ashamed to be an aussie

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i dont get it, if the lebo's have got the shits y are the trashing other suburbs??

the arguement was over cronulla, go there and cause trouble.

the argument was actually over a bunch of guys bashing lifeguards, 10 blokes jumped 2 that was wrong however, the australians decided that all "lebs" and "wogs" get out of australia?? what the f**K is that about??These guys are saying get out of our country when in fact ,for those of you who know there history this country was settled!!!What im saying is whoever thinks the way those f**kwits think is an ignorant c**ksucker.


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It's not "lebs" its not "aussies" its a few dickheads with behavioural problems which should have been dealt with promtly by law enforcers at the appropriate time instead of standing around like f*knuts handing out speeding tickets so they can have a big xmas party. Hence leading to an upraor and mass explosion of emotion and violence@!

I agree

i have been to south america and my father in law had to carry a loaded gun around cause he was shit scared i would get kid napped

tell u now i was terrable to b a monority that was racial bilified and looking around every corner 2 c if u would be held up or shot

poor girl who die rip


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I agree

i have been to south america and my father in law had to carry a loaded gun around cause he was shit scared i would get kid napped

tell u now i was terrable to b a monority that was racial bilified and looking around every corner 2 c if u would be held up or shot

poor girl who die rip


What girl died? Im almost 100% sure that all the victims in Cronulla only suffered minor injuries. A friend of mine is a truck driver and was on the way back from melbourne today and told me he saw easily 100+ car loads of lebanese guys heading to sydney on the Hume and a Lebanese mate of mine told me that he had heard that a huge amount of people are comming up from Melbourne to help out their mates in Sydney. He basically warned me to be careful because i live in one of the effected areas. I really hope this is all hearsay and all comletley untrue.

I really think this is the perfect opportunity for young Lebanese to help get rid of the stereotype thug image. Some sort of huge peaceful demonstration would do a world of good for their image and stick it to those fools that were at Cronulla last weekend moreso than going around bashing people. Somehow i dont think the car loads of people comming up from down south were on their way for purley peaceful reasons. :(

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I read in a previos post that a girl had died i am west ausi and have not heard that much

dont lebs look like south americans which look like italians which look like spanish which look like porchgians which is about 1/3 of the world

poor lebines comunity being sterio typed but i am in the west and have had no issues here so cant coment on wat ather peolpes experiecnes

wat a shit world to bring a child into


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Why the Northern Beaches Joy? No problems over here yet.

i dont think the lebanese gang members care. they just want to cause as much damage as possible anywhere to try and prove that they aren't to be messed with

ive pretty much cracked the shits over this matter and am sick to death of it. just ignoring it will do nothing.

its funny though how on the news community leaders are interviewed and are pictured shaking hands with one another. how stupid can the media honestly be. do they think that because community leaders want to resolve the situation so too do the gangs? the gangs couldnt care less what the community leaders say.

all the australian citizens who get caught fighting and causing damage should go to jail and all the non-citizens should be sent home. simple but effective. although they are extreme measures they are needed at a time like this

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On the news tonight while some lebanese fellas were giving a speech some of the bra boys were in the crowd giving the peace sign but they were laughing whilst they were doing it................that is to say most likely this peace stuff is just show for the media and nothing more.

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By the way, those photos are of coogee in case we didnt get that far, the coogee bay hotel is about a block further up the road. I live in Maroubra and im getting really pissed off at this whole thing, im also in the navy so im tempted to get the beach cleared of innocent bystanders, tell em to have a riot and then finish it with some good old naval gunfire, 5" wake up call anyone

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All im gonna say is that europe have been fighting these kinda people for years....................(think all over the world the people who cause "issues")

One thing that shits me is that all wogs will get branded a bad name....

Wogs = people of european decent

Lebs = Arabs (not in EUROPE) middle east

The attack on the churches really got my blood boiling......Why turn this into a religios war??????? Ooohhhh the things i culd say lol

but i wont..................people will get offended

so all italians, greeks, macedonians :) serbs, spanish are gonna get picked on or bashed for no reas, you look at the main people fighting...

they are arabs, yes occasional wog will be in there aswell.......

You live in australia, your an AUSSIE, and thats that......you live by its rules and respect everyone in here, this country accepted you so treat it like your family.....

Could go on for eva and eva......

but i wont.....

yehh a few good old roundhouse kicks from chuck would do the job....

Chuck norris doesnt sleep................he waits!



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In any case after all this faffing about, I eventually spoke to someone else at this company who advised I should have been sent the correct parts to begin with given they pulled up all my communications with what I had, what I wanted, what parts I was using, etc. But by this time the car had been sitting at Shop 1 for quite some time now and they didn't really just want to paint the rest of the car from A pillar back while this was all sorted out. I got a full refund and honestly everyone involved was perfectly nice and easy to deal with once I could get ahold of them, though it did need a bit of 'chasing' as you kinda expect. So then I had a stock front end again, and could have just fit the URAS fibreglass fronts and used an OEM front bumper and OEM hood and called it a day. But did I do that? No, I am retarded. 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And you guessed it, the metalbenders took much longer than they said they would take, and Shop 1 man had a medical issue where he had to close the shop indefinitely (legitimately).  So even though I had to return a bunch of stuff, and a car sat around for months with no work being done on it, there's no actual bad blood there, so I don't want to name names and say "SHOP X SUCKS" just... do your diligence. Metalbender place returned my Bonnet and Guards to me eventually, which was when I realised THIS: Is going to make my life hard again, because having wider metal guards doesn't make much benefit if the actual point it hits is the connection between the bumper and the guard. Which is why Nissan flared it out, ostensibly.   With regards to the bonnet, I needed vents in the first place because the car likes to overheat due to heat soak on 40C days with the aircon on, if the car has been driven for more than like 30 minutes. Only with the aircon on, only on days that hot, only when sitting, and only after ~30 minutes. So the logic behind it all was to cut vents in. I had originally thought to just the flat pieces out (not the webbing!) and put mesh in there, which would have worked fine. Then talking to the metalbenders I was convinced this was a bit agricultural and water would get in. STUPID EVERYONE INVOLVED didn't think of simply using a plastic engine cover on the engine, and we started talking about vent design and rain gutters instead. There was also the issue of while the guards both fit what I asked for, which was: "Can you replicate these URAS Fibreglass flares on these stock metal guards by the same distance, or maybe +10mm wider?" ..the issue was the guards weren't the same as one another when the job was done. Enough that when I fit them and went to paint places, the overriding feeling was "I can't get it painted while they're like that". So, I Karen'ed and they offered to fix them up to get them symmetrical again after I drove back and showed them, and we did the whole lean back from a few meters in front of the car, and: "Oh yeah" "ahhh yeah".. "Ahh, ... yeah, yeah nah yeah" ... and I then took them off and delivered them. I have it all back now, and while the guards are better they're still not symmetrical, and I'm paranoid about a tiny bit of webbing actually being cut with the vents installed, and only slightly remorseful about the fact that METALBENDING WAS REALLY EXPENSIVE, and it would have been cheaper to simply buy all of the Nissan OEM pieces, including $2200 aluminium bonnets, and $2000 guard sets and OEM plastic bumpers and get it done that way. YOU ARE WARNED. also, anyone wanna buy my GTR brackets between the headlights? Useful for someone doing this conversion and they cost about $1000 cause you didn't want to use/mark up/damage the fibreglass replica the company sold you to make their stuff fit (it won't fit).
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