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Hey people,

Ive got an 93 r33, and im having some issues with my automatic. ive just had the auto rebuilt but it didnt solve it.

basically... when it feels like it, (its not to often and has mostly occured when its hot) it will get stuck in first gear. it weird... when it does i accelerate and instead of launching forward it just revs and maintains a constant speed (which indicates to me it cant be slipping into nuetral as it doesnt roll to a stop).

i was just wondering if anyone has encountered anything like it.

I can also picture alot of people saying "you should of got a manual" and dont worry, at the moment given the choice i would have. so to all those people... any idea on how much it would be to convert it?

cheers to all that have any idea... coz im going insane.

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ive got the same problem on my car (93 r33 also)

im pretty sure its something electrical because when that happens i quickly push the SNOW button and it goes into 2nd and works fine.

maybe start from there, check all the electrics on it.

Edited by SECUR1TY
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hey guys i have the auto box manual and fault codes here


hope that helps my R32 also has this problem as all the autos are the same model i am trying to diagnose their problems and note it down for every one to use.

the problem sounds like the band adjustment it's only set at 4nm-6nm i will let you guys know when i find an easy way to get to the adjusting bolts

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i have the same problem but only very rarely.

I have driven around with the carmen scan on and its seems to come up with the speed sensor (automatic rotational sensor) i think thats wat its called. Its the sensor on the rear left side of the gearbox (siting in the drivers seat) I am pritty sure this is the problem however i have not forked out for a new one yet and will probaly not be doing so as i'd rather go manual i think. )its 240 new from nissan

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nah its not the torque converter i don't think as its happens to infrequently and i get the power light flashing on the dash. Reseting computer does nothing. All you can do when it happens is come to a complete stop which sometimes works or turn car off then on and that always works

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i gather the SNOW & HOLD buttons in 32's & 33's do the same thing like the power buttons,,so SECUR1TY...are you saying to have the car in drive when taking off and use the snow button to shift into 2nd?

at what revs are you shifting to 2nd?

Edited by RSTME
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im not sure if they do the same thing mate. ive got a snow button, power button and an a/t button.

when my gear gets stuck i just push the snow button and it goes into 2nd no matter what rev im at.

if im at the lights and ive got the snow button on it'll start in 2nd.

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thats correct RSTME it will hold the gears back from reving

secur1ty when you are doing 100kmh push the snow button it wont do anything it certinaly wont drop into second how ever at the lights when you push the snow button it will be in second gear so you dont spinn the wheels in all this aussie snow.

what i was trying to say is when your car gets stuck in gears as you are driving it has changed in to power mode automacticaly. to relece the gears you have to tap the power button on and off

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yep,i tried using the hold button to shift to 2nd just then and its not good.

id like to go in another auto skyline to make sure i dont have a dodgey g/box.

anyone happy with their auto box and willing to take me for a spin?

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secur1ty when you are doing 100kmh push the snow button it wont do anything it certinaly wont drop into second how ever at the lights when you push the snow button it will be in second gear so you dont spinn the wheels in all this aussie snow.

what i was trying to say is when your car gets stuck in gears as you are driving it has changed in to power mode automacticaly. to relece the gears you have to tap the power button on and off

i know it wont shift it into second, thats now what i was saying. the problem is the car getting stuck in first, so what i do is push the snow button and it shifts into 2nd.

and it doesn't get stuck in power mode as even in power mode it will change gears but only a little higher than normal or untill you back off a little with the accelerator. when the gears get stuck it will stay in the gear untill you either rev it out till around 5000, or in my case push the power button.

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oh that is more of a stall converter/band problem secur1ty its not the same as the R32 problems being stuck in every gear as you accelerate

the gear box type/part number may be the same but have clearly diffrent problems

just to clear things up i own an R32 and R33 both auto's so i understand your frusteration

rstme how long has it been since your auto was serviced if you want i can talk you through a service the cheap way its quite easy

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ok the first few things you will need are 4 liters of castrol TQ dexron 3 this is a heavy load oil an oil catch tray 4 litre one

scocket's 10mm for the pan bolts and filter bolts and 19mm for the drain plug.

A hand pump just a simple squeeze one i used an outboard fuel line not recomended for this though lol.

A gasket from an auto service centre part no.RE4R01A ask for the gasket part number alone because if you ask for a skyline one they will charge you like $20+ i got mine for $8 its a cork one they are the best no gasket glue needed.

Some spare fuel to clean the filter dont buy a new one all they do at the service centers is clean it's the same with nissan.

let me know when you have all that stuff and i will give you the next steps with pics

Edited by xr8eater
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