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Police Powers And Your Rights

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For those of you in Queensland (sorry dont know about the other states), it is a legal requiremant to have a safety certificate clearly displayed in the window of your car if you have a for sale sign on one of your windows. I was pulled over for it the other day and it is different to a road worthy cert. apparently it only costs $35 to $80 dependant on the mechanic seen. But that is better than a $350 fine from the traffic cops. Something else i want to say is. I know that a lot of people have problems with the cops, but i believe that it depends on which ones you get, as in queensland its the traffic cops that are the pain in the preverbial, the other cops are usually fine. As a result of me being puled over i was let off from the safety cert but not the expired lisence.

Oh well you win some, you loose some.

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  • 3 weeks later...

and for those of your that happen to get your car confiscated in queensland this might be a little bit of handy info

59Q Return of vehicle impounded for first prescribed offence

(1) This section applies if a notice under section 59F was served

on a person.

(2) When the 48 hours for which the vehicle is impounded ends,

the owner of the vehicle is entitled to recover the vehicle from

the holding yard at which it is kept whether or not the State

has paid the costs of removing the vehicle to, and keeping it

at, the holding yard.

(3) The person holding the vehicle must return the vehicle to the

owner on request.

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hey, great thread..

i too have a story to tell, and ask questions about..

one day, me and 3 mates were driving (i was passenger) to the local shops, literally doin nuthin sus, we were in an 89 rolla, werent speeding / fkn round in any way, werent throwin shit etc etc..

some cops in a D car tailed us for about half the journey, but made no attempt to pull us over..

when we eventually got there, and parked, the cops parked us in, and checked all of our ID's.. like took all our details.. and whe a mate of mine asked for a badge they said they didnt have to show us.. when we asked why our details were taken, they said "incase anything unusual happens today, we will be able to contact people who may have been witnesses?? wf, how sus is that..

so just wonderin like wha could we have done, or if it was to randomly happen again, what could we do??

also, im readin the qld act posted on page one.. anyone able to give me a section so i dont need to read the whole thing :)

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thats a pretty normal thing

especially at night time...if a cop sees people out somewhere and its not like a heavily populated area etc, they'll pull u over and get some details...its just so that if any shit goes wrong that night they have someone to speak to about it...not neccessarily pin it on you

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I got a few expericenced with the cops, BAD and good,

1 time, i was driving out of a cinema Carpark, after a movie. A cop car was in the car park as well, i saw him was couple of cars behind me, so i drive as decent as possible, he folowed me out on the street, then pull me over, I asked him politely, Wat is the recent for pulling me over?

He said "Ur front wheel spin when u exit the the carpark" which is BS,

my car is 300zx, RWD, but i didnt sa anything,

He asked me for my license, I showed him,

he went back to his car and sat in there for about 15-20 mins, then he let me go.

Time waster.




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I used to repect the cops, but after another incident, I totaly hate them, Like i really despite them, Cops are useless and they are lazi bunch of shit, In sydney, NSW,

I got my 300zx stolen in a RSL parking Lot, 3 months ago,

i parked it under a light pole and a survillain camera was directly above it.

Spoke to the RSL guards, they checked the footage and saw some 1 stolen it, and they said they will get the tape ready, when the cops come.

When to cop station, report it stolen to some COP was at the counter that time, He took it lightly, just wrote down the Model of my car, and the the number plate, then Gave me a Report number.

I told him bout the footage, he said he will know wat to do.

After that day, i come to the cop station every day, very polite and ask them if any news on the cars, and about the footage.

Same answer, every time, "just go home, we will call u when we found ur car"

i got sick of hearing it. I went to my friend a solictor, ask her to give a letter to RLS club requesting the tape, they said only a police officer can pick it up. And wrote 1 letter to the police, tell that the tape are there, ready to be pick up.

Anwayz, all I keep hearing is, " i know wat to do, just go home and wait for us to call, when we find it"

its been 3 months,

lazi bunch of moron with power.

I got myself a skyline nOw,

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As some of you guys know, ive had very BAD experiences as well with police. And there is one cop that has a very bad reputtion around the hunter valley region (i wont be more specific) that hassles all the younf blokes with nice import cars.

So what if you have an aftermarket air filter!? Isn't that better as the car is running more efficiently and thus producing less pollutive emmisons gases?!

Go out there and defect cars with no brakepads, no indicators, rust-buckets and cars with worn seatbelts! Don't hassle nicely kept, well maintained cars that are driven by law abbiding motorists.

After my little rant, i'd like to say that this thread is very useful for both parties to view and hopefully we will all gain some useful insight into the matter and we can drive our cars we love on the road without any un-due hassles!!

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Howdy all, I'm back.

Should get onto this topic again soon. Busy as all hell tho.

The good news is, I'm working for a Victorian firm, so I should be able to tell you a whole lot more about civil rights and proper police procedure in Vic and NSW as it becomes available to me.

My 32 is packing up too, so if you guys wouldnt mind, HELP ME OUT!

Clutch pedal barely has any resistance, and gears are VERY notchy. I topped up clutch fluid, but still no improvement.

A little off topic, but anyway...

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There is an adjuster on the clutch pedal, if your clutch isnt slipping, then it might just need a bit of adjustment. Mine was the same after a new clutch, it had bedded in and just needed a bit less free movement on the pedal travel.

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From my experience with cops, YOU HAVE RIGHTS BUT IT DOESNT MATTER!!!. Cops can do whatever they want!! in the end it doesn't matter what rights you have police can and will get away with anything. They will lie if they have too.

zxfire, my mates had the same drama, cops dont give a shit bout stolen cars, evidence or not. sorry dude

i'd just like to say that i've found that 95% of cops are f**k wits, straight up.

But ya can't say they all are cuz every now and again ya get one that isn't jaded or on a power trip and actually became a cop to help people and not becuz they got picked on in school.

If your car has something done to it that is not standard police can defect you for it unless that modifaction has been proven by ra ra ra ra ra (something that will cost heaps and no one has done) and it doesn't matter if it is dotars approved cuz police have there own rules. which are, everything is illegal, probably even cup holders.

Edited by RRR32_GoDzIlLa
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I got booked months ago in a 87' model van along with another car - a small hatchback. The police 1st pulled up this other vechicle ahead of me and then pulled me in also. The police officer showed both myself and the other driver the same reading on the hand held radar. The officer issued the same ticket to the other driver and myself. I wasn't speeding at all. I got a photocopy of the other drivers ticket for reference. They have the same date, time (to the minute), road, officers name, speed, distance etc on both tickets. Can the police book two different vechicles and their drivers using the one reading?

I wrote in a letter but they stated they have enough evidence to prosecute in court. So off to court i go... I told the officer what he was doing was incorrect but he couldn't have cared less. What to do?

What are your thoughts and opinions of whats gone on here? The funny thing is the speed we were booked for was not taken lightly. I dont think the van can even do that speed on the freeway let alone in a 60 zone. Cheers.

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hi guys

need some legal help...got pulled over tonight and got booked...

Ive tried looking into the\ose records but couldnt find anything yet.

I done a uturn at a set of traffic lights(no sign saying I couldnt)as i was cruising with some other cars and there was an rbt unit up ahead the cars in front of me turned at the lights, I done a u-turn. In the street that everyone turned at there was a HWP car sitting in the dark. They puled me over and said that they want to do a a rbt..after that they asked why I done the u-turn, i told them why, i was driving around(been honest), the cop said nuthing and went back to the car.

Cop came back and gave me a fine, didnt explain anytihng didnt tell what I done wrong. I asked the why and cop said u passed ur driving test u should no not to do a u-turn at a set of lights ( i hnestly didnt know this.) i asked the cop for the badge no. cop mumbled the name and tried to jump in the car.

I jumped out of my car pissed off..and went over to talk to them nicely with my sob story. the story I told them was 100% honest Im goin to lose my licence etc and my job and ur gonna wreck my livelihood, is there any way u can wave it. they say nah sorry its on camera blah blha nothing we can do...

when the other cop was at my window the cop in the car is yelling out the wondow aswell, very unprofessional...

anyways after telling my honest sob story, i was very upset..they drove away past my car laughing at me, fcuk was I pisssed off. I didnt get their badge numbers as they didnt give it to me so I chased after them. I couldnt find them...I went back to the place they booked me and go their licence pl no. Im going to take the to court if i have enough reaosn to...i think its such an injustice, to wreck someones livelihood because of a u-turn and they couldnt giv a f*(k. and then they mock you??

What I want to know is...

1.if pulled over for an rbt can they book u for someting else

2.they did not tell me what I did wrong, they only asked that of my actions and why

3.Was told that I was pulled over for an rbt

4.issued fine without notice

5.refusing badge number

6.them mocking me

7.And the u-turn, i didnt know it was an offece to do a u-turn at any set of lights in nsw unless it said no u-turn as some do..

theres a bit more to it but i dont want to rave on as im still pissed...

Any help would be appreciated ALOT


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Last night i was defected so i cant drive the car untill i get it cleared.

The non standard exhaust is all they got me for.

Do you know the deal with defects,like,can i wack the standard exhaust back on and go for the test or do i have to take it to the clearer and get it tested first like it was when i was fined.And then recive a fine and then go to get it cleared with the stock exhaust??Also has to be emissions tested with front mount intercooler.will it pass do you think?


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hi guys

need some legal help...got pulled over tonight and got booked...

Ive tried looking into the\ose records but couldnt find anything yet.

I done a uturn at a set of traffic lights(no sign saying I couldnt)as i was cruising with some other cars and there was an rbt unit up ahead the cars in front of me turned at the lights, I done a u-turn. In the street that everyone turned at there was a HWP car sitting in the dark. They puled me over and said that they want to do a a rbt..after that they asked why I done the u-turn, i told them why, i was driving around(been honest), the cop said nuthing and went back to the car.

Cop came back and gave me a fine, didnt explain anytihng didnt tell what I done wrong. I asked the why and cop said u passed ur driving test u should no not to do a u-turn at a set of lights ( i hnestly didnt know this.) i asked the cop for the badge no. cop mumbled the name and tried to jump in the car.

I jumped out of my car pissed off..and went over to talk to them nicely with my sob story. the story I told them was 100% honest Im goin to lose my licence etc and my job and ur gonna wreck my livelihood, is there any way u can wave it. they say nah sorry its on camera blah blha nothing we can do...

when the other cop was at my window the cop in the car is yelling out the wondow aswell, very unprofessional...

anyways after telling my honest sob story, i was very upset..they drove away past my car laughing at me, fcuk was I pisssed off. I didnt get their badge numbers as they didnt give it to me so I chased after them. I couldnt find them...I went back to the place they booked me and go their licence pl no.   Im going to take the to court if i have enough reaosn to...i think its such an injustice, to wreck someones livelihood because of a u-turn and they couldnt giv a f*(k. and then they mock you??

What I want to know is...

1.if pulled over for an rbt can they book u for someting else

2.they did not tell me what I did wrong, they only asked that of my actions and why

3.Was told that I was pulled over for an rbt

4.issued fine without notice

5.refusing badge number

6.them mocking me

7.And the u-turn, i didnt know it was an offece to do a u-turn at any set of lights in nsw unless it said no u-turn as some do..

theres a bit more to it but i dont want to rave on as im still pissed...

Any help would be appreciated ALOT



Last night i was stopped by the police.And was told it was for a random breath test.

I had to then step out of the car and pop the bonnet he went over the car the boot the interior and decided to issue me with the defect.He also said that i bankstown police were on a blitz they wont tolerate hotted up cars driving arround at all hours of the morning in groups ,because (breath),he knows what we are doing ,and,we are definently not out to just look and admire cars.

Not once was i breath tested.

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  • 1 month later...

I was pulled over in Canberra for accelerating to get to a filter lane infront of another car, i never sped nor did i chirp the tyres. When i pulled over he asked for my licence, this is where it is good for me, but still wrong, he noticed im in the army and stopped talking down to me and just talked to me. He let me off and warned me to get my exhaust checked cos it might be too loud and 'you wouldn't wanna get a defect'. The point of the story, double standards. If i was another cop and he thought i had broken the law then realised i was another cop, then he woulda let me off. No one is above the law not even cops and abuse of power in any force is never tollerated. Make a formal complaint if you are ill treated, but make it after the incident and try and get a hold of a higher rank. Just be polite during the incident then the cop wont have a leg to stand on.

Sorry about the long wind.

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