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Im not sure if anyone has posted this here before.


Quite a good read. Tells you all the restrictions as far as cameras after limit changes, at the bottom of hills, how the radar has to be alligned, etc.

I especially like the theory of going to view your photograph and if there is any other car in the pic (as would be the case on the freeway, etc) then they cannot fine you!

Also I have heard that if you get booked by an actual human police officer they have to be wearing their hat when they walk up to the car (otherwise you cannot be booked).

Another one I heard was if you are speed checked (cop travels behind you and uses his speedometer to determine your speed) then they have to produce a tyre guage and all their tyres must measure exaclty 37psi otherwise they cannot book you.

And last one is that if the have a hand held unit they must take two read outs, 3 seconds apart. They have to show you both readouts if you request this. And you can only be booked for the lesser speed. My Father has used this in Sydney and it downgraded him from a 15-30km to a 0-15km fine.

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You know how they could save money and save lives.....scare tactics.

Who would continue at a speed (subconsciously) above the speed limit (speed limit = what that sign said) after they see a sign saying "Speed cameras are used in this area"? or something to that affect.

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Hey I saw that 'hoons' sign on the way through Mandurah too, and I think I've seen it in Bunbury as well! I wonder what they'll target next: 'loud doof-doof music'! Or 'overly done up Hyundai Excels'? Ha ha!

"But my mom says I'm cool."

I like in the Pizza movie, cops are now targeting "Lebanese". Won't go too well in Cronulla at the moment :)

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haha was on my way to mandurah and I saw the sign "Cops are now targeting (HOONS)"

Haha we all laughed sooo hard.

best thing about that is the sign you see comin north someone blacked out "targeting" kept us laughing on our way home from work for weeks

police are now speeding

police are now drink driving

took em ages to fix the sign

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At Sir Charles Gaidner Hospital the speed limit is 30km but heading north towards the tee junction the last 50 meters there is a state limit speed sign. Which means your are leagally allowed to do 110km per hr for the last 50 meters

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Well RADAR detectors are about to be banned. Funny no one seems to be complaining about it? <_<

Or, stranger, not after the lowest road toll for decades, thanks mainly to the new driving test rules, it seems that the real reason that people are dying is RADAR detetcors. Must ban them.


Then of course there's the gymbyments commets last year that budgeted speed camera revenue will be/was down 10%. Must do something about that.....

End rant.

Edited by puckish
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Well RADAR detectors are about to be banned. Funny no one seems to be complaining about it? <_<

Or, stranger, not after the lowest road toll for decades, thanks mainly to the new driving test rules, it seems that the real reason  that people are dying is RADAR detetcors. Must ban them.


Then of course there's the gymbyments commets last year that budgeted speed camera revenue will be/was down 10%. Must do something about that.....

End rant.


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