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Dose Pipe Sutututu

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Dose Pipe Sutututu last won the day on December 9

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    Tits & Dose Pipes

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    VW > Nissan
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  1. I would sell those side feeds before you hydra-lock a motor. I won't say too much about Yellow Jackets because I'll hurt people's feelings, however ask those that tune RBs day in/out what they think of them.
  2. Are those 1000cc side feeds? If so, that's part of your problem. I have 1480cc and they idle at stoich on 98RON, and all the way to E85. Also your coil packs.....
  3. Just get a Haltech CAN wideband, no need to wire any delay circuits, or relay, etc. Since I've moved to a Haltech CANbus wideband, I have not replaced a single sensor for over 5 years (if not longer, can't remember when moved to Haltach).
  4. What oil weight are you using?
  5. Now they're bang your wallet
  6. Buying another R33 soon?
  7. Well it does have a motor with the same DNA as an Accord V6 motor. The J30A is a successor to the Tiger rice cooker C32A motor found in those cars.
  8. RX7 is better for audio set ups, as you can really hide the subwoofers and also make them sound great with superpositioning strategies. Not to mention, it's a family car. You can take your kids in it (although I wouldn't). NSX is meh.
  9. Needs more Samsonas or ZF8HP, modern twin scroll turbo setup, big dose.
  10. *waits* for chop idle videos and TT kit hanging off the motor. I like these sounds now, my inner bogan is growing.
  11. A bit of data is always good, beats the Facebook experts with their opinions Although the kWs aren't anywhere near what you are after, it should give you a good indication. I have Bosch 1480cc injectors, often called 1650cc (only when run at 4bar). I run mine at 3bar base so I don't thrash the fuel system. Up top, making 437kW with boost dropping, injector duty is at 69% on E80 (might have had some residual 98RON in there)
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